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Merge pull request #6 from abuansarpatowary/logo-updated
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Logo updated, and Navbar updated
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nomandhoni-cs authored May 11, 2023
2 parents 47c0235 + b8c4d62 commit 34f3e39
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Binary file modified assets/icon32.png
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17.0681C16.4295 17.0791 16.5778 17.1328 16.8744 17.2402L17.888 17.607C18.3372 17.7696 18.5619 17.8509 18.7748 17.8352C18.9547 17.8219 19.1277 17.7603 19.2754 17.6567C19.4502 17.5342 19.5728 17.3291 19.8179 16.919L20.2773 16.1504C20.536 15.7175 20.6654 15.501 20.6877 15.2793C20.7065 15.0921 20.6721 14.9034 20.5885 14.7349C20.4895 14.5353 20.2921 14.3783 19.8974 14.0643L19.1726 13.4879C18.9207 13.2876 18.7948 13.1875 18.7159 13.0801C18.6306 12.9641 18.5942 12.8887 18.5564 12.7497C18.5215 12.6211 18.5215 12.414 18.5215 12C18.5215 11.586 18.5215 11.379 18.5564 11.2504C18.5942 11.1114 18.6306 11.036 18.7159 10.9199C18.7948 10.8126 18.9207 10.7124 19.1725 10.5122L19.8974 9.9357C20.2922 9.62176 20.4896 9.46479 20.5886 9.26517C20.6722 9.09664 20.7065 8.90795 20.6877 8.72076C20.6654 8.49906 20.5361 8.28259 20.2773 7.84964L19.8179 7.08102C19.5728 6.67093 19.4503 6.46588 19.2755 6.34332C19.1277 6.23977 18.9548 6.1781 18.7748 6.16486C18.5619 6.14919 18.3373 6.23048 17.888 6.39307L16.8745 6.75989C16.5778 6.86725 16.4295 6.92093 16.2971 6.93195C16.167 6.94278 16.0884 6.93601 15.9621 6.90313C15.8335 6.86965 15.6604 6.77077 15.3142 6.57302C15.2877 6.55791 15.2611 6.54298 15.2345 6.52822C14.8725 6.3281 14.6915 6.22804 14.5936 6.13166C14.4976 6.03703 14.4502 5.97047 14.3923 5.84869C14.3334 5.72467 14.3055 5.56332 14.2499 5.24064L14.0938 4.3363Z"
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