The goal of this environment is for some VMware Horizon testing. Currently I have a vSphere environment with several Ubuntu servers but zero Windows.
- Hardware: a vSphere environment (i have a single ESXi host that hosts a vCenter)
- Software: all the software prerequisites are baked into this vagrant ubuntu desktop: vagrant-ubuntu-desktop
Note If you already have a linux machine and you'd like to install the prerequisites you can look in the following scripts in vagrant-ubuntu-desktop
Packer creates a Windows Server 2022 vSphere template and ovf that has VMware tools, and some other basic applications installed.
Packer uses autounattend.xml
and sysprep-autounattend.xml
to automate Windows Settings windows_lab/packer/configs.
- It pulls Windows Server 2022 Datacenter Eval Edition (Desktop Experience) from Microsoft's site
- Installs & configure OpenSSH Client & Server for remote connection
- Installs VMware tools from ISO provided from the build ESX server
All those quality values that will be usedWinServ2022.pkr.hcl
The main top quality with variable declares at the top, and the provisioner steps after.scripts/win-update.ps1
runs first: updates windowsscripts/adjustments.ps1
runs second: tweaks windows, and installs some toolsscripts/cleanup.ps1
cleans up windows after all the updatesscripts/install-vmware-tools-from-iso.ps1
installs VMware tools so it's baked into the base image.
Packer Provisioner Steps
- Updating OS via Windows Update
- Doing some OS adjustments
- Set Windows telemetry settings to minimum
- Show file extensions by default (TODO: might not work?)
- Install Chocolatey - a Windows package manager
- Install Microsoft Edge (Chromium)
- Install Win32-OpenSSH-Server
- Install PowerShell Core
- Install 7-Zip
- Install Notepad++
- Enable Powershell-Core (
) to be the default SSHD shell
- Cleanup tasks
- Remove CDROM drives from VM template (otherwise there would be 2)
Terraform deploys the required virtual machines against infrastructure using the vSphere provider in this case.
declares the variables that will be usedterraform.tfvars
All those quality values that will be
defining the vSphere provider and common
defining the Primary Domain Controller
defining the Connection Server 1 (standard)
defining the Connection Server 2 (replica1)
defining the Connection Server 3 (replica2)
Configures the VMs once they are deployed.
- Setup Windows Server Feature: Domain
- Primary Domain Controller
- Auto-Join the Virtual Machines to the domain
- Create a Horizon user and group within Active Directory
- Install Horizon Connection: Primary
- TODO: Configure Events DB
- Install Horizon Connection: Replica
- Register with Primary
- Common Configurations
- Enable RDP and allow it through the firewall on all windows servers created
Upgrade the VMware Connection Servers to a new version
- Upgrade Horizon Connection: Primary/Replica
- Check currently installed version
- Take VMware snapshot
- Take Connection Server backup
- Located: C:\Install\Backup-*
- Disable Connection Server client authentication
- Download new Connection Server binary
- Upgrade Connection Server
- Check currently installed version
- Enable Connection Server client authentication
- Reboot
inventory of the hosts we will be touchingwinlab_install.yml
an association of the roles to the servers for the greenfield base install/configureconnection_server_upgrade.yml
an association of the roles to the servers for the Connection Server upgradeansible.cfg
main hotnessgroup_vars/all.yml
defines all they key:value pairs neededroles/*
all the different roles and stuff that tells ansible what it needs to do (hint: look inwinlab_install.yml
Update variables in
and renamemv myvarfile.json.example myvarfile.json
Update variables in
(mainly the location of the VMware tools /ISO/windows.iso) -
Initialize packer
packer init -upgrade WinServ2022.pkr.hcl
Create the template
packer build -timestamp-ui -force -var-file=myvarfile.json WinServ2022.pkr.hcl
Note This will result in a template in your vSphere infrastructure named WinServ2022 and an OVF in the build directory.
2022-12-17T16:41:40-07:00: Build 'WinServ2022.vsphere-iso.WinServ2022' finished after 1 hour 11 minutes.
==> Wait completed after 1 hour 11 minutes
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> WinServ2022.vsphere-iso.WinServ2022: WinServ2022
Update variables in
and renamemv terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
Initialize terraform
terraform init
Terraform plan in order to detect an my errors
terraform plan
Actually deploy the VMs (parallelism=1 because my lab is slow 🐢)
terraform apply -auto-approve -parallelism=1
Note This will result in 4 VMs being creating using the variables defined in
vsphere_virtual_machine._PDC: Creation complete after 10m11s [id=420b41aa-e3fc-8ae7-19a2-537ba43fb62b]
vsphere_virtual_machine._ConnServ: Creation complete after 10m59s [id=420bf9b2-4ed7-a291-fe8f-df3a07d019ab]
vsphere_virtual_machine._ConnServ2: Creation complete after 9m50s [id=420baf8a-8b33-95d0-8720-b0efb2e56f1f]
vsphere_virtual_machine._ConnServ3: Creation complete after 7m38s [id=420b9a46-9743-c9ad-800e-90133a5a2084]
Apply complete! Resources: 4 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Warning Remove the VMs by running
terraform apply -auto-approve -destroy
Update variables in
and renamemv all.yml.example all.yml
Test connectivity to the VMs
ansible all -i inventory.yml -m win_ping -vvv
Run the playbook to configure the servers
ansible-playbook winlab_install.yml
Note Limit running ansible plays against only connection server and replica hosts and output in verbose
ansible-playbook winlab_install.yml --limit "cs,csr" -vvv
Note The connection servers are in a unconfigured state and at version 8.4.x.
Update binary parameter in
#install_binary: "VMware-Horizon-Connection-Server-x86_64-8.4.1-20741546.exe" install_binary: "VMware-Horizon-Connection-Server-x86_64-8.7.0-20649599.exe"
Run the playbook to configure the servers
ansible-playbook connection_server_upgrade.yml
The local administrator for the VMs:
Username Password administrator
The domain accounts:
Username Password windows_lab\horizonadmin
Server | IP | Purpose |
dc01.windows_lab.local | |
Domain Controller |
cs01.windows_lab.local | |
Connection Server (standard) |
cs02.windows_lab.local | |
Connection Server (replica1) |
cs03.windows_lab.local | |
Connection Server (replica2) |
- Stefan Zimmermann GitLab Article
- Dmitry Teslya GitHub
- Austin Cinderblook GitHub
- Install Horizon Connection Server Silently - 2209
- Horizon View Connection Server with Ansible
- module – Installs/uninstalls an installable package
- deploy a GCP VM (free tier)
gcloud compute instances create gcp-docker-01 --project=jenkins-372604 --zone=us-west1-b --machine-type=e2-micro --network-interface=network-tier=PREMIUM,subnet=default --maintenance-policy=MIGRATE --provisioning-model=STANDARD --scopes=,,,,, --create-disk=auto-delete=yes,boot=yes,device-name=jenkins-1,image=projects/ubuntu-os-cloud/global/images/ubuntu-1804-bionic-v20221201,mode=rw,size=10,type=projects/jenkins-372604/zones/us-west1-b/diskTypes/pd-standard --no-shielded-secure-boot --shielded-vtpm --shielded-integrity-monitoring --reservation-affinity=any
- Connect to the VM
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
export ZONE=$(gcloud config get-value compute/zone)
gcloud compute instances list
gcloud compute ssh gcp-docker-01
- Parameterize the installation and upgrade ansible roles. Possible to condense into a single connection server installation role and have the parameters control the installation type?
- - continue to complete the install script as parameters exist. MVP only input will be -f -r <test || WLR-nn>
- automation
- packer image update process
- connection server vendor download process
- auto upgrade pod process
- pod-management pipeline
- what's the bare minimum that you need to configure in order to provision a single VDI?
- pod-management pipeline will run every n minutes and try to connect to the pod and configure it, or re-configure it, or do nothing to it, or time out trying to connection to it
- figure out how to git repo for release files would work.