This repo hosts a 3rd party module for Neorg to integrate with telescope.nvim
Simply jump to any important element in the workspace. This includes headings, drawers, markers.
The command for this is Telescope neorg find_linkable
Simply press a key (<C-l>
in insert mode by default) and select what you want to link to.
only works for elements in the current workspace.
You can use Telescope neorg insert_file_link
to insert a link to a neorg file.
Notice that this only works for files in the current workspace.
Note: If no file is selected a link to a file with the name of the prompt value
will be inserted. This file will be created if you use the link with
With Telescope neorg search_headings
you can search through all the headings in the current file.
Telescope neorg find_backlinks
- find every line in your workspace that links^* to the current fileTelescope neorg find_header_backlinks
- same but with links to the current file and heading
These are limited to workspace relative links (ie.
) for the sake of simplicity. Both exact
({:$/path:** lvl 2 heading}
) and fuzzy ({:$/path:# heading}
) links are
The removed pickers
Use Telescope neorg find_project_tasks
to pick a project and then the tasks inside it.
You can then jump to those tasks.
If you select and empty project (colored gray) then you'll jump to the project.
With Telescope neorg find_context_tasks
you pick a context and then tasks.
You can use Telescope neorg find_aof_tasks
to pick an aof and then search through the tasks of it.
When you use Telescope neorg find_aof_project_tasks
you can pick an area of focus, then a project inside it and last but not least you can search for tasks inside the project.
Until the new GTD infrastructure arrives, you could collect all your todo items with a regex, for example:
-- Make sure you have ripgrep installed.
-- Add the following function to your `~/.config/nvim/init.lua`:
local _, neorg = pcall(require, "neorg.core")
local dirman = neorg.modules.get_module("core.dirman")
local function get_todos(dir, states)
local current_workspace = dirman.get_current_workspace()
local dir = current_workspace[2]
require('telescope.builtin').live_grep{ cwd = dir }
vim.fn.feedkeys('^ *([*]+|[-]+) +[(]' .. states .. '[)]')
-- This can be bound to a key
vim.keymap.set('n', '<c-t>', function() get_todos('~/notes', '[^x_]') end)
First, make sure to pull this plugin down. This plugin does not run any code in of itself. It requires Neorg to load it first:
You can install it through your favorite plugin manager:
use { "nvim-neorg/neorg", config = function() require('neorg').setup { load = { ["core.defaults"] = {}, ... ["core.integrations.telescope"] = {} }, } end, requires = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "nvim-neorg/neorg-telescope" }, }
Plug 'nvim-neorg/neorg' | Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' | Plug 'nvim-neorg/neorg-telescope'
You can then put this initial configuration in your
file:lua << EOF require('neorg').setup { load = { ["core.defaults"] = {}, ... ["core.integrations.telescope"] = {} }, } EOF
require("lazy").setup({ { "nvim-neorg/neorg", opts = { load = { ["core.defaults"] = {}, ... ["core.integrations.telescope"] = {}, }, }, dependencies = { { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" }, { "nvim-neorg/neorg-telescope" } }, } })
This module accepts the following configuration with the shown defaults:
["core.integrations.telescope"] = {
config = {
insert_file_link = {
-- Whether to show the title preview in telescope. Affects performance with a large
-- number of files.
show_title_preview = true,
You can define keybindings like this:
vim.keymap.set("n", "<lhs>", "<Plug>(neorg.telescope.search_headings)")
List of all available plug mappings:
If it's not clear by the code already, I'm a solid noob at telescope related things :)
If you have any awesome ideas or any code you want to contribute then go ahead! Any sort of help is appreciated ❤️
- Fuzzy searching content in paragraphs only
- Fuzzy searching content in the current heading