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Jul 24, 2020
43b07f3 · Jul 24, 2020


1 Commit
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020
Jul 24, 2020

Repository files navigation


A Serverless (compute) approach to scraping Instagram feeds. This application runs on Cloud Run and pulls images and captions from selected Instagram users. It stores these in a Cloud SQL database.

Note that storing data in Cloud SQL isn't a truly serverless data solution.


🥧 This looks like a lot of setup, but it should only take about 5 minutes. It's just a bunch of copy-and-paste scripts to run in cloud shell. 🍰

You can run these steps from any terminal that has gcloud and docker, but the easiest way is to run all the following commands in cloud shell. You'll need a personal account. Recommended: create a new GCP project before proceeding.


Replace <your_github_username> with your account (e.g. davidstanke):

export GITHUB_USER=<your_github_username>

Duplicate repo

Don't clone this repo directly; instead, click "Use this template" to make a copy (or click here). Call it instapuller. Then clone your copy of the repo, and add a "staging" branch:

git clone${GITHUB_USER}/instapuller && cd instapuller
git checkout -b staging
git push -u origin staging

Alternative setup: you can use Artifact Registry instead of Container Registry:

  • enable artifact registry API and create a registry
  • configure docker (see "setup instructions") on Artifact Registry UI
  • replace all instances of$PROJECT/instapuller with your * registry

Set everything up...

# set some convenience variables
export PROJECT=$(gcloud config list --format 'value(core.project)')
export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects list --filter="$PROJECT" --format="value(PROJECT_NUMBER)")

# Enable APIs and grant IAM permissions
gcloud services enable
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --member=serviceAccount:$GCB_SERVICE_ACCT --role=roles/run.admin
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding $RUN_SERVICE_ACCT --member=serviceAccount:$GCB_SERVICE_ACCT --role=roles/iam.serviceAccountUser

# Create CloudSQL databases
export PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 15)
gcloud sql instances create instapuller --zone=us-central1-c --root-password=${PASSWORD}
gcloud sql databases create instapuller-prod --instance=instapuller  --charset=utf8mb4
gcloud sql databases create instapuller-staging --instance=instapuller --charset=utf8mb4

# Create initial application container
docker build -t$PROJECT/instapuller .
docker push$PROJECT/instapuller

# Create Cloud Run services
gcloud run deploy instapuller-prod$PROJECT/instapuller --region=us-central1 --platform=managed --allow-unauthenticated --set-env-vars=DB_USER=root,DB_PASS=${PASSWORD},DB_NAME=instapuller-prod,CLOUD_SQL_CONNECTION_NAME=$PROJECT:us-central1:instapuller --set-cloudsql-instances=$PROJECT:us-central1:instapuller

gcloud run deploy instapuller-staging$PROJECT/instapuller --region=us-central1 --platform=managed --allow-unauthenticated --set-env-vars=DB_USER=root,DB_PASS=${PASSWORD},DB_NAME=instapuller-staging,CLOUD_SQL_CONNECTION_NAME=$PROJECT:us-central1:instapuller --set-cloudsql-instances=$PROJECT:us-central1:instapuller

echo -e "======\nHere are the URLs of your Cloud Run services:\n-----\n$(gcloud run services list --platform=managed --format='value(URL)')\n====="

Open both URLs in a browser to verify that they work!

NOTE: the first load may be slow b/c the application will create the database on first request.

OPTIONAL: Verify that Cloud Build pipelines work

gcloud builds submit --substitutions=_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT=staging,SHORT_SHA=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)
gcloud builds submit --substitutions=_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT=prod,SHORT_SHA=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)

Then revisit the application URLs. They should look unchanged.

Connect your GitHub repo

For this, you'll use the Cloud Build Triggers page in the GCP console.

See the docs for Connecting to source repositories

  1. Use the "Cloud Build GitHub App" option and grant access if asked to do so.
  2. Select your copy of the instapuller repo
  3. On the "create a push trigger" step, click Skip for now (we'll add the trigger via gcloud)

Add triggers

# On commit to `main`, deploy to prod:
gcloud beta builds triggers create github \
   --repo-name=instapuller \
   --repo-owner=${GITHUB_USER} \
   --branch-pattern="^main$" \
   --build-config="cloudbuild.yaml" \
   --description="On commit to main, deploy to prod service" \

# On commit to `staging`, deploy to staging:
gcloud beta builds triggers create github \
   --repo-name=instapuller \
   --repo-owner=${GITHUB_USER} \
   --branch-pattern="^staging$" \
   --build-config="cloudbuild.yaml" \
   --description="On commit to staging, deploy to staging service" \

Test it out! Make a commit to branch staging and push to GitHub; you should see your changes reflected on your staging service. Merge that branch to main and you should see the changes on prod.

Bonus: configure preview environments for each pull request

Running Locally

See docs >

[TODO: document the GCF functions]


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