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Rough in inline elements
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shonfeder committed Jul 3, 2020
1 parent 5d139ef commit a9b8b69
Showing 1 changed file with 94 additions and 22 deletions.
116 changes: 94 additions & 22 deletions omd_tyxml/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,38 +1,110 @@
open Tyxml

let of_attributes _ = []
let of_code c = Html.[code ~a:[] [txt c]]

let of_attribute (attr, value) =
Html.Unsafe.string_attrib attr value

let of_attributes attrs = of_attribute attrs

(* let common_attributes : Omd.attributes -> Html_types.common =
* fun ((attr, value) :: _) -> *)
(* raise (Failure "TODO") *)

(* let image_attributes : Omd.attributes -> Html_types.img_attrib list =
* fun _ -> raise (Failure "TODO") *)

let rec of_inline ({il_attributes; il_desc} : Omd.inline) =
let a = of_attributes il_attributes in
(* let a = of_attributes il_attributes in *)
(* TODO Attributes *)
let _ = il_attributes in
match il_desc with
| Code _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_inline Code")
| Code c -> of_code c
| Concat ls -> List.concat_map of_inline ls
| Emph e -> [Html.em ~a (of_inline e)]
| Strong s -> [Html.strong ~a (of_inline s)]
| Hard_break -> raise (Failure "TODO of_inline Hard_break")
| Emph e -> Html.[em ~a:[] (of_inline e)]
| Strong s -> Html.[strong ~a:[] (of_inline s)]
| Hard_break -> Html.[br ~a:[] ()]
(* TODO Add option for verified html ?*)
| Html raw -> [ raw]
| Image _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_inline Image")
| Link _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_inline Link")
| Soft_break -> raise (Failure "TODO of_inline Soft_break")
| Text t -> [Html.txt t]
| Html raw -> Html.Unsafe.[data raw]
| Image img -> of_image img
| Link l -> of_inline_link l
| Soft_break -> Html.[txt "\n"]
| Text t -> Html.[txt t]

and of_link_label ({il_attributes; il_desc} : Omd.inline) =
let _attr = il_attributes in
match il_desc with
| Code c -> of_code c
| Text t -> Html.[txt t]
| Concat l -> List.concat_map of_link_label l
| Emph e -> Html.[em ~a:[] (of_link_label e)]
(* | Image _ -> (??) *)
| _ -> raise (Failure "TODO invalid")
(* | Emph _ -> (??)
* | Strong _ -> (??)
* | Hard_break -> (??)
* | Soft_break -> (??)
* | Link _ -> (??)
* | Image _ -> (??)
* | Html _ -> (??) *)

and of_image (img : Omd.inline Omd.link_def) =
let escaped_url = Omd.Internal.escape_uri img.destination in
let title' = Option.value ~default:"" img.title in
let alt = "TODO" in
(* let attrs = img in *)
Html.[img ~src:escaped_url ~alt ~a:[a_title title'] ()]

and of_inline_link =
fun (l : Omd.inline Omd.link_def) ->
let escaped_url = Omd.Internal.escape_uri l.destination in
Html.[a ~a:[a_href escaped_url] (of_link_label l.label)]

exception Invalid_markdown of string

let of_heading n inline =
let h =
let open Html in
match n with
| 1 -> h1
| 2 -> h2
| 3 -> h3
| 4 -> h4
| 5 -> h5
| 6 -> h6
| m -> raise (Invalid_markdown (Printf.sprintf "heading number %d" m))
h ~a:[] (of_inline inline)

let of_block (block : Omd.block) =
match block.bl_desc with
| Paragraph inline -> Html.p (of_inline inline)
| List _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block")
| Blockquote _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block")
| Thematic_break -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block")
| Heading _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block")
| Code_block _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block")
| Html_block _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block")
| Link_def _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block")
| Definition_list _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block")
(* FIXME *)
match block.bl_desc with
| Paragraph i -> Html.p (of_inline i)
| List _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block")
| Blockquote _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block")
| Thematic_break -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block")
| Heading (n, i) -> of_heading n i
| Code_block (_, _) -> raise (Failure "TODO of Code_block")
(* Html.pre ~a:[] (of_inline i) *)
| Html_block _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block")
| Link_def _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block")
| Definition_list _ -> raise (Failure "TODO of_block")
with (Failure err) ->
Html.(h1 [txt ("Error " ^ err)])

let of_omd ?(title="") : Omd.doc -> Tyxml.Html.doc =
fun omd ->
let title' = title in
let body' = of_block omd in
let body' =
try of_block omd
with (Failure err) ->
Html.[h1 [txt ("Error " ^ err)]]
let open Html in
(head (title (txt title')) [])
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