Ready Thing is a simple shell script to create "productivity suites" with user-friendly administration for websites, emails, file sharing and collaboration.
Created for AWS EC2 Amazon Linux. Documentation is quite rough, sorry! I'm happy to provide any support possible.
- Administration: Ajenti V
- Web: NGINX or Apache2
- Mail: RainLoop
- Filesharing & Collaboration: NextCloud
- 99.999999999% durability with Amazon S3
- Create S3 Bucket Label
- Setup IAM Stuff
- Roles, Policies & Instance Profile for EC2 to communicate with S3
- Create EC2 Instance
- Create initialization routine for fresh AWS account
- Un-hardcode more stuff
- Move variables from getopts to "server.conf" with -c GETOPTS to specify
- Userdata connect to Chef server because:
- Bash script should be ported to recipes & cookbook
- Add more checks and get rid of weird workarounds (eg sleeps)
- LetsEncrypt SSL w/ NGINX
- Monitoring
- Mail with SES
- Integrate SES with sendmail OR
- Integrate Exim with SES
- If using a chef server, it must already be configured