The Botasaurus API client is a Python library for interacting with Botasaurus Scrapers via an API.
It provides a simple and convenient way to create, fetch, download, abort, and delete tasks, as well as manage their results.
To install the API client, use pip:
python -m pip install botasaurus-api
First, import the Api
class from the library:
from botasaurus-api import Api
Then, create an instance of the Api
api = Api()
You can also provide an optional api_url
parameter to specify the base URL for the API server. If the api_url
parameter is not provided, it defaults to
api = Api('')
Additionally, the API client will create response JSON files in the output/responses/
directory to help with debugging and development. If you want to disable this feature in production, you can set create_response_files=False
api = Api(create_response_files=False)
There are two types of tasks:
- Asynchronous Task
- Synchronous Task
Asynchronous tasks run asynchronously, without waiting for the task to be completed. The server will return a response immediately, containing information about the task, but not the actual results. The client can then retrieve the results later.
Synchronous tasks, on the other hand, wait for the completion of the task. The server response will contain the results of the task.
You should use asynchronous tasks when you want to run a task in the background and retrieve the results later. Synchronous tasks are better suited for scenarios where you have a small number of tasks and want to wait and get the results immediately.
To create an asynchronous task, use the create_async_task
data = {'link': ''}
task = api.create_async_task(data)
You can also provide an optional scraper_name
parameter to specify the scraper to be used for the task, if not provided, it will use the default scraper:
task = api.create_async_task(data, scraper_name='scrape_heading_task')
To create a synchronous task, use the create_sync_task
data = {'link': ''}
task = api.create_sync_task(data)
You can create multiple asynchronous or synchronous tasks at once using the create_async_tasks
and create_sync_tasks
methods, respectively:
data_items = [{'link': ''}, {'link': ''}]
tasks = api.create_async_tasks(data_items)
tasks = api.create_sync_tasks(data_items)
To fetch tasks from the server, use the get_tasks
tasks = api.get_tasks()
By default, all tasks are returned. You can also apply pagination, views, sorts and filters:
tasks = api.get_tasks(
# view='overview',
# sort='my-sort',
# filters={'your_filter': 'value'},
To fetch a specific task by its ID, use the get_task
task = api.get_task(task_id=1)
To fetch the results of a specific task, use the get_task_results
results = api.get_task_results(task_id=1)
You can also apply views, sorts and filters:
results = api.get_task_results(
# view='overview',
# sort='my_sort',
# filters={'your_filter': 'value'},
To download the results of a specific task in a particular format, use the download_task_results
results_bytes, filename = api.download_task_results(task_id=1, format='csv')
with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
You can also apply views, sorts and filters:
results_bytes, filename = api.download_task_results(
format='excel', # format can be one of: json, csv or excel
# view='overview',
# sort='my_sort',
# filters={'your_filter': 'value'},
To abort a specific task, use the abort_task
To delete a specific task, use the delete_task
You can also bulk abort or delete multiple tasks at once using the abort_tasks
and delete_tasks
methods, respectively:
api.abort_tasks(1, 2, 3)
api.delete_tasks(4, 5, 6)
Here are some example usages of the API client:
from botasaurus_api import Api
# Create an instance of the API client
api = Api()
# Create an asynchronous task
data = {'link': ''}
task = api.create_sync_task(data, scraper_name='scrape_heading_task')
# Fetch the task
task = api.get_task(task['id'])
# Fetch the task results
results = api.get_task_results(task['id'])
# Download the task results as a CSV
results_bytes, filename = api.download_task_results(task['id'], format='csv')
# Abort the task
# Delete the task
# --- Bulk Operations ---
# Create multiple synchronous tasks
data_items = [{'link': ''}, {'link': ''}]
tasks = api.create_sync_tasks(data_items, scraper_name='scrape_heading_task')
# Fetch all tasks
all_tasks = api.get_tasks()
# Bulk abort tasks
api.abort_tasks(*[task['id'] for task in tasks])
# Bulk delete tasks
api.delete_tasks(*[task['id'] for task in tasks])
Now, go and build something awesome.