- View menu for navigating main views alongside key shortcuts (and circular navigation)
- Accept changes in product properties, configs (host parameters) and depot configuration directly from editor without pressing ENTER
- Show a menu for the server console in the menu bar on the top
- Beep sounds, when entering MAC, OTP, and SystemUUID
- Don't add newly added options for single-value property-keys to the wrong properties
- Don't clear newly added options for single-value properties (if selected)
occuring when opening "Message of the day" dialog- Show correct warning for opsi modules classic warning dialog
- Enable copy & paste in "About opsi-configed" dialog
- Issue: after reloading all data, the properties for the products (localboot and netboot) are gone.
- Correct location of list selection dialog in health check client selection and property editing
- Create the correct config
and notevent_net_connection.active
- Feature for selecting multiple groups in host and product tree
- Show loading screen on search query execution
- Option in client table to invert selection
- Switch from opsi-package-manager to opsi-cli
- Remove possibility to create config in Client and Depot configuration
- Highlighting issue in Health Check dialog under Windows
- Issue: lost selection after full reload
- Issue: cancel selection buttons incorrectly shown after full reload
- Correct size in driver upload
- Issue:
UI not properly updated, when clicking on "Edit search" inSavedSearchesDialog
- Issue: user-roles not enforced correctly
- Open new instance of
, when clicking on "Create new search" inSavedSearchesDialog
when reloading all data after changing groupaccess for client tree- Init tab components at start
- Issue: non scrollable notes field in client info panel
- Issue: Old selection disappears after changing visible columns in client table
- On some occasions occuring
, when opsi-configed starts. NPE
when opening install package dialog after building the package first in "Make opsi package..." dialog- Dialogs rendered improperly after restart (for example, new client dialog)
resizing issue that caused nearby button to shift or become hidden when the selected value changed or new data was added.- WebDAV Functionality Breaks with SSO Integration
- Select all products/depots/clients in the trees and list with a click on a button in the tab
- Errors in rendering of some columns in product table
- Correctly stop editing in product property states to prevent different errors
- Only write empty entry and no time when no date was entered in start/end time for health check downtime
- Nullpointer exception when updating license pool
- Parallelize and improve performance in loading statistics in licensing management
- Remove unnecessary target configuration column in product tables
- Sort messages after warning level in Health Check
- Sort "none"/empty values in state and action columns in product configuration to the end
- We parallelize loading data to improve the performance
- Nullpointer exception when creating a new group, clicking on the group and then elsewhere
- Freeze of configed when waiting for response when firing event to many clients
- NullpointerException in default properties in depot configuration
- Don't use placeholders in input fields
- Make it possible to copy the property name into the clipboard
- Small redesign of Login Dialog
- Only delete productPropertyStates for selected product type
- Nullpointerexception when editing group that was just created
- We can now return to the dialog when we cancel trusting the certificate when we login by SSO
- Exception in SearchTargetModelFromTable when no result found in search
- Exception when a ProductPropertyState exists, but the respective ProductProperty does not exist any more
- Rework all the Server console dialogs to use standard java library (JOptionPane) instead of own classes
- Rework Saved Searches Dialog and Remote Control dialog in order use JOptionPane instead of own classes
- Not saving ProductPropertyStates and ConfigStates when you edit again after saving
- Use normal login without SSO when password or OTP field active and pressing "ENTER"-key
- Don't stop configed when there are irregular arguments
- Use new CellEditor to edit date in tables
- Use new CellEditor to edit notes in license tables
- Rework the dialog frames to use standard java library (JOptionPane) instead of own classes
- Add option of Visibility to method processActionRequest ("Execute") in product tables
- Add options to Health Check to en/disable the check for clients and depots
- Rework editing and creation of configs, configStates, productProperties and depot properties
- No selection when no element found from search
- Remember last used domain to create client
- Always show loading animation when loading data
- Improve login dialog usability
- Add option to log in via Single Sign On (SSO)
- Correct path for saving certificates when entering port in login dialog
- Start configed when trusting the certificate once
- Nullpointerexception when user is not in group opsi admin
- Correctly fix default values as specific values for product property states on clients and depots
- Correctly deactivate filter in client selection
- Move reload and save buttons to top toolbar
- Some small changes in component and gap sizes
- Health Check now works with new opsiconfd version
- Make it possible to delete/create configs in config state editing for depots and clients
- Don't create unnecessary copies of configs when (re)loading -> better performance
- Rotate up to 10 logfiles
- Make the logfile name independent from the user name
- Nullpointerexception when unexpected entry in config "configed.host_actions_disabled"
- Create whole path of folders for CA-Certificate if folders don't exist yet
- Remove unnecessary feature to arrange dialogs
- Cast Maps/Lists instead of remapping them always, better for performance
- Remove waiting loop in when loading data in login. Will save up to 500ms every login.
- Find a better way to get a timeout. Timeout is set at 5000ms now.
- Download all CA certificats instead of only the opsi CA certificate
- Use path /opsi/services/<service_host>_<service_port>/ca-certs.pem for CA certificats, which is also used by opsi-cli
- Show correct client in HostStatusPanel after full reload
- Correctly refresh client configuration page after full reload
- Nullpointer Exception when reloading host configs of a depot
- Also reset netboot product states when the user wants to reset Localboot AND Netboot product states
- Show correctly the new lines ("\n") in tooltips
- Correct support page in help menu
- Small change in Layout in Dialogs
- Rework GUI design, put View change to the left, etc.
- Keep connection and certificate validators so that they don't have to be recreated with every server request to improve performance
- Show licenses management, opsi licensing info, health check and the dashboard in MainFrame
- Space between options in command for uninstalling opsi products
- Only show enabled tabs in Client/Depot/Server configuration
- Lazy loading for all tabs in Client/Depot/Server configuration apart from Client and Product tables
- Don't unnecessarily refresh saved searches when editing search
- Problems with column visibility in Product and Client tables after full reload
- Start Remote Desktop Processes synchronuously instead of one after another when selected several clients
- Assume server version 4.3 if no header was found
- Show that data have changed in client info only when really changed (and not by pressing "CTRL" for example)
- Show border around tooltip in dark mode
- Rework Logging so that message strings are not build when not needed (performance)
- React to "ENTER" input when in host and OTP dialog in login
- Scroll in scrollPane instead of inside the table rows in host configs, product properties, etc.
- Don't use native library from flatlaf in MacOS to prevent crashes
- All icons (apart from the hardware icons) have been replaced. Mainly by Intellij Icons in SVG format
- Checking for client reachability is removed since it's obsolete thanks to the messagebus
- Errors with table and opsi-host-key in CSV client import
- Buttons in CSV template dialog on bottom not shown completely
- Make it possible to connect to server and server console without VPN module
- Don't allow connection to clients without VPN module
- Disable Terminal with user roles config "ssh.menu_serverconsole.active"
- Nullpointer Exception when messagebus events are received before data are loaded on start
- Nullpointer Exception when deleting client
- Don't fire updateTable event when row is -1 (causes wrong rendering of cells)
- Nullpointer Exception when product is updates that is not in product list (e.g. user roles)
- Sort results when searching for directories on server
- Nullpointer Exception when updating table with messagebus
- ClientTable not refreshed correctly when adding another depot to the selection while some clients are selected
- Nullpointer Exception when exporting groups of clients to CSV (for reimport)
- Center frames in export options on main frame
- Performance problem when selecting clients in client tree and then show product info
- Use Swing component instead of JavaFX for loading mechanism because of performance issues in JavaFX
- Button to copy HostKey into Clipboard
- No public changes
- Create all 4 WAN configs (before only 3 of them were created)
- Make it impossible to delete all clients and depots by accident
- Rework design of Search in tables
- Rework design of login dialog
- Rework design of checkboxes in client info panel
- Rework design of all user/password input fields
- Remove Wake on LAN timer, only directly wake up clients
- Remove Product installation in Product Actions panel (already exists in server console)
- Select all products in a group in table on double click
- Show the products from depots selected in depotslist in product tree
- Replace SSH server console with messagebus server console
- Remove user roles config key
- Remove MySQL client search (was available only before 4.3 with MySQL)
- Remove multi client hardware info (was available only before 4.3 with MySQL)
- Update to Java 21
- Update to JavaFX 21
- Actions done several times in Client menu after full reload
- Select software (with proper license pool) in license management after applying change in "Software name -> License pool" dialog
- Don't add options twice to reset products after full reload
- Problems in Client Tree after full reload
on reloading localboot or netboot table (occuring when new product versions in database exist)- Now also show subgroups of permitted product groups
on selecting alternative view in license management dialog- In "Software name -> License pool" lower table is not updated on selection of new software name
- Don't add option of empty String for visible columns in product table on first start
- Include JavaFX modules for macOS
- Ability to open messagebus terminal on a client directly
when trying to select group that does not exist any more- Show groups in directory group in userroles if parent group is not allowed
- Don't define default session for terminal connection, to allow for user to select session.
- Include software entry's ident to "Missing software entry" dialog's message to make apparent which software entry is missing
- Use insecure connection in Messagebus, when certificate verification is disabled
- Maintain consistent log levels for unspecified lines
- Save user preferences on table's display fields
- On reload in "localboot products" and "netboot products" tabs, installed packages are shown in and deleted packages are removed from the table
- New style for reload animation
- Flags
to enable currently in development features, for testing purposes NullPointerException
on product resetMySQLdb.integrityError
when moving clients to NOT_ASSIGNED directory/group- Product filter disabled after a reload or switching client selection
- "Failed actions" search and selection
- The lower control panel in logviewer keeps disappearing on resize
- For hardware devices with the same name in different hardware class, the information is shown incorrectly
- Can't change table column visibility in product table after full reload
- When group, that has subgroups, is permitted for a user, the subgroups aren't included in a group.
- On reload in "default properties" tab no changes are made to the table (removed packages are shown and installed packages aren't shown)
- Correctly init ClientTree when reloading and when user roles have been changed
- User roles product group access
- Invalid Range error when updating product table (Manually or by messagebus)
- Export whole table into PDF and not only selected rows
- Add item to change size between product info and product description
- Don't show server defaults for WAN, UEFI and Install on Shutdown in new client dialogue
- Make it possible to edit WAN, UEFI and Install on Shutdown in new client dialogue even when enabled by server default
- Connectivity status of depots
- OTP field to login dialog
- OTP option to command line
- SWAudit command line options
- Use better icons for Checkboxes and some other cases
- Add button to download diagnostic data in Health Check dialogue
- Updating Host Info Data
- Remove config states usage in
- Remove usage of icons in narrow layout of
(use checkboxes instead) - Make product/client icon filled when object is selected in table
- New option for searching multiple words in
- Show product description in tooltip in tree
on reloadNullpointerexception
on updating product table, when list is reduced
- Tooltip for changed states in Product id
- Update group icons
- Tooltip for products in product tree
- Update Icons in client tree
- Only show Clients in allowed group, but not in their subgroups
- Show every product only once in product tree
- Show icons for products and product groups in the product tree
when messagebus update on products- Sort product tables on start
on reload
- Add a product tree to show recursively all product groups and preselect the products for the tables
- Tabs to switch between the depot selection and the product/client trees
- Sorting host groups alphabetically
- Remote control should start only on space when in client table
- If
is disabled "Create new opsi-client" button disappears only when client menu or popup menu is opened - All products are included in PDF export, when exporting Localboot or Netboot products
- The page numbering in PDF exports is incorrect 1/3, 2/3, 3/3, 4/3
- Allow to select only depots, which are specified in
- Show only groups, which are specified in
- Show only the total number of clients, that are visible for user, next to "Clients total:" label
- Support TXT files in logviewer
- Removed partial loading mechanism for logfiles
when opening product selection dialogue
- Modules file uploading via SFTP
when priority or position columns in localboot or netboot product tab is displayed by default- Product states and actions for netboot products aren't shown
- No depot selected by default
- Messagebus updates for connected clients
- opsiHostKey for CSV export. You can now choose which data to include into the CSV file
- Remove net_connection from default WAN config
- Provide tooltips for depot selection (on the right side next to "Edit properties on depot(s)" label) in "default properties" tab
- Remove unnecessary tooltips in tables, tabs, etc.
- Host paramater
has no effect - The authorization is overriden, when logging in with an uppercase in the username
- Enable messagebus updates after reconnection to server
- Logviewer can open files without file extension
- Rename RPC method
- Small performance improvement on startup, reload and depot change in environments with many clients
- Make extra credits dialogue to separate Credits from About dialogue
- Add search field for product selection dialogue
- Parameter
has no effect on dispalyed products. - Keep client selection in product table after full reload
- Show only netboot products, that are available in specified groups in
parameter. - Allow only group selection, that are specified in
parameter. - Better form in free client search
- Auto completion and sort clients in license usage
on calling-qg
command with two arguments/parameters- Software information not shown
- Log files opening in context menus by double-click
- Rework Clienttree (performance)
- Selection inactive colors
- Colors in tables
- Setting Product version when setting
- Logviewer options to menubar in opsi-logviewer
- Connect messagebus-terminal to clients and depot servers
- Partial loading for logfiles
- NullPointerException some time after closing Terminal
- Bug in buttons to add users and user roles
- NullPointerException in Messagebus when creating/deleting clients
- Delete data from licensing managment when deconnecting from server
- Update clientinfo correctly when reloading data
- NullPointerException on closing Dashboard when selected a specific depot
- NullPointerException on opening license displayer without license management module
- Make it possible to enter empty values in editable tables
- Make it possible to enter empty values in client information
- Rework element and gap sizes in licensing management
- Don't preselect saved depot selection because it causes performance issues
- Configed was not loading when restricted to productgroups
- Center License Information frame before showing it
- Fix typo for hardware address in host column names
- Clear client selection on depot change (old selection was kept)
- Update translations in English, German and French
- Don't warn from dependency-requirements in opsi 4.3
- Error message not shown in AbstractErrorListProducer
- Saving SystemUUID for a client now possible
- Reactivating user roles working again in dialogue
- Removed Fading Glasspane from Error producer and waking clients
- Removed unnecessary calls (performance)
- All product actions call 'processActionRequests' instead of 'on_demand'
- Create PDF-files from Hardware information
- Displayed column editing in "Hardware Information" tab
- Showing if column is displayed in "opsi config editor hardware classes / database columns" dialog
- Calculation for remaining software license
- Vanishing new entries on save in license management frame
- Reloading of license management frame
- Using SPACE+CTRL for (de)selecting clients
- Retrieve version for products, that were installed as once or custom installation even though installationStatus is not_installed
- Remove unnecessaray Logging-operation (performance)
- Remove HARDWARE prefix from column names in "Hardware Information" tab
- Change labeling for vendors in "Hardware Information" tab
- Localization issues in standard-dialogs like JFileChooser or JOptionPane
- Remove duplicate RPC method calls on reloading license and starting license frame
- Make search button text visible in logpane
- Serialization issue, when trying to save depot configuration
- Initialize saved states before login
- Show hardware info for multiple clients on opsi-server 4.2 or before (NullpointerException)
- Not all products are displayed in depot-configuration
- Rework reload mechanism so that reload loads exactly the same data as the starting process
- All product actions now save data before acting
- Bug changing product properties
- Nullpointerexception when product does not exist in general, but only on depot
- Themes (Light / Dark)
- Open Sans Font
- Don't load software information on start (performance)
- Only save shown software information (less memory usage)
- Remove unnecessary calls on startup (performance)
- Remove unnecessary calls on reload (performance)
- Reset only changed products (performance)
- Dashboard loading reworked (performance)
- Rework copying clients (performance)
- Remove unnecessary calls when starting client creation dialog (performance)
- Show only available modules as option in opsi-licensing
- Client tree selection / navigation reworked
- Open multiple windows in logviewer when opening archives with several files
- Remove UEFI-Boot information in opsi 4.3 (only show as active, if client has entry in "clientconfig.uefinetbootlabel" config)
- Fix bug showing 'processor' information in hardware information
- Surround user password in quotation marks (password is acquired from SSH deploy opsi-client-agent frame)
- Hide password in log file
- Configed can start now when a client is in two different DIRECTORY groups
- Groups (specialities) available again
- Show actual clientlist in column "boundToHost" in licence management
- Open several opsi-logviewers with zip-files now possible again
- Show Selection box for report in Product table correctly
- Sort position of products correctly
- Make it possible to read all textfiles in logviewer
- Go to previously selected line when changing loglevel
- Problems with editing and deleting product properties
- opsi-configed did not start when invoking persistenceController.addGroup because it was null
- Cursor bug when changing loglevel in logviewer
- Right property is selected in list when changing values
- Issue with ReachableUpdater slowing the program down
- Creating and editing groups works again
- Fix wrong message after successful driver upload
- Fix session information
- Use gzip/lz4 and messagepack also for POST-requests to the server (small performance advantage)
- Creating und deleting licensepool - product relations works again
- SSH console will now execute all commands instead of only the first one
- Reworking the loading animation when waiting for Data from the server
- Opening zip-files with the opsi-logviewer works
- Client selection remains after reload
- Login Frame is now not always in foreground and has icon
- opsi-logviewer is now part of opsi-configed
- Were using now Messagepack for datatransfer with server -> performance boost
- Property for language removed, since language changes in configed will be saved for user
- You cannot make on-demand actions when in readonly mode
- Issue with creating Licences fixed (Volume, etc.)
- Icon for connection status to Messagebus shown on bottom right
- Activity Panel moved to bottom right
- Installing and removing of opsi-packages
- Problems with different actions in Licensemanagement
- Problem with client selection with CTRL-key
- Startup of configed on some filebackend servers
- Strip whitespace when adding new configs
- Markdown changelog
- Fix startup if opsiclientd.event_on_shutdown.active is not boolean / null
- Remove product property tls_alternative_cipher
- Fix client selection dialog for non MySQL
- Improve messagebus connection handling, auto reconnect
- Improve 2FA handling, add password dialog
- Do not show essential / devel log messages in GUI
- Do not process expired messagebus messages
- Fix SLF4J warnings
- Fix UpdateCommand casting error
- Correct order of action requests in combobox
- Fix boolean table cell renderer (WAN column in client table)
- Add start param "--disable-certificate-verification" to disable certificate verification
- Add property "disable_certificate_verification" to disable certificate verification to package
- Requesting session-info works now
- small bugfix (removed unnecessary logging-call)
- bugfix in licensinginfomap: works now also with users that are not opsiadmin
- changing loglevel colors, adapting to opsi-standards and in logpanel adapting to white background
- bugfix in "show only selected products"
- bugfix with option sshConnectOnStart
- sort remote control commands alphabetically
- center filechooser on main frame
- Will now keep selected clients on reload
- loading panel rework activity of elements on loading
- some small bugfixes
- Performance improvement: Removed all unnecessary calls of config_updateObjects on start and reload
- removed option for HTTPS-compression on login-panel because we will encrypt always
- Performance improvement: Less unnecessary calls of config_updateObjects on start and reload
- other bugfixes in certificate check
- don't use certificate check before server version opsi 4.2, because it would not work
- Reworking the login panel to remove the loading frame on login
- Warning on button for licensing in main frame
- reworking the location of yes / no / ok ... buttons
- small changes in behaviour in frame for changing configs
- Check server TLS certficate / warn if new cert (ssh-like)
- IPv6-support in input dialogs
- new options for resetting products
- Tooltip in Markdown over Links
Reworking Loading Panel on login
Reworking positions and sizes of windows
sizes of columns now will not change on reload (clientlist, Localboot products and Netboot products)
some performance boosts
JavaFX now used to start Browser in Markdown (works better under Linux)
Small changes in Dependencies-Infos
- Bugfixes in Clientsearch
- Changed directory of java so that old links will work
- Bugfix in clientsearch by failed installation
- Another Bugfix in clientsearch
- Bugfix in clientsearch
- fixed problem with starting firefox for looking on the opsiclientd-timeline
- Small buxfixes
- Markdown support in advice and description of products
- Removed java-properties in opsi-package since java is now always delivered with program
- Removed properties fallback_tlsv1 and sqldata_force
- Clients are now marked after their creation
- Faster creation of clients with CSV-Import
- new Logging (standard-loglevel is now 4, performance is now better)
- CSV-Import for creating new clients
- Popup in Seconds for messages sent to clients;