This contract spawns and initializes eip-1167 minimal proxies that
point to existing logic contracts.
This contract was modified from Spawner.sol to fit into OtokenFactory
_spawn(address logicContract, bytes initializationCalldata) (internal)
_computeAddress(address logicContract, bytes initializationCalldata) (internal)
internal function for spawning an eip-1167 minimal proxy using CREATE2
: address of the logic contract -
: calldata that will be supplied to theDELEGATECALL
from the spawned contract to the logic contract during contract creation
- spawnedContract the address of the newly-spawned contract
Function _computeAddress(address logicContract, bytes initializationCalldata) → address target internal
internal view function for finding the address of the standard
eip-1167 minimal proxy created using CREATE2
with a given logic contract
and initialization calldata payload
: address of the logic contract -
: calldata that will be supplied to theDELEGATECALL
from the spawned contract to the logic contract during contract creation
- target address of the next spawned minimal proxy contract with the
given parameters.