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Venkata Naga Ravikiran Bulusu ravikiranbvn
Exploring Embedded Systems


Adrian Arpi S adarpis
I'm a tech and nature lover, enthusiast of free energy and technology.

Imaytec @imaytec Santa Catarina, Brazil

Juan VALVERDE juandres666
Passion for Technology
Andronikos Kostas AndronikosKostas
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Spacedot - PeakSat - University Greece

Ohminsik MichaelBentleyOh

Korea aerospace University

Athina Bampzeli athina-bampzeli
Hello! I am Athina, a Chemical Engineering student at AUTh that keeps evolving...


Riya Bisht b1shtream
21, interested in Computer Architecture & exploring low-level systems

@vicharak-in [email protected]

yaodehuang yaodehaung
Softwave engineer



CNRS Perpignan

Christoforos Tsiolakis tsiolakis
Systems Engineer at AcubeSAT project by SpaceDot | Electrical and Computer Engineering Student at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh)
Chris Kuethe ckuethe
PGP 0xF5C2BC1187106528 🕵🏻‍♂️👨🏻‍💻🌎🕊️🛰️

Less than 30cm away from where I was a nanosecond ago.

Georgios Alexandris geoalx
Electrical and Computer Engineer in @ntua .

National Technical University of Athens Athens,Greece

Stelios Tzelepis steltze


Christina Koutsou kchristin22
ECE student in AUTh


Ioanna Kakomyta i2kmt
Constantly evolving

Studying Medicine in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) Biomolecular Engineer at @AcubeSAT Thessaloniki, Greece

George Kikas maestroque

Systems Engineer @PeakSat, ECE AUTh Thessaloniki, Greece

Sayantan Mandal SayantanMandal2000

Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, Hyderabad Campus Hyderabad, Telengana

anand jain anandijain
cs music p=np

San Jose CA, Boston MA

ledak LedaKatopodi
chemical engineer posing as a computational biologist ~ PhD student @crg @novoalab

CRG Barcelona

Orestis Ousoultzoglou xlxs4
“And we’re still not scared. Nothing new here, this is stuff you already know. This isn’t confusing; we’re not scared.” — Brian Beckman, Don’t fear the Monad

EMTECH SPACE S.A. Marousi, Athens, Greece

Konstantinos Petridis kpetridis24
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science student. My field of interest includes Software Engineering, Space missions and ML

London, UK