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Sarah Hill SarahLHill

Louisville, Ky

premoon28 priyamoon28
I'm interested in using code to create interactive documentaries that enhance storytelling and viewer engagement.


binbashburns binbashburns


Brett Smith brett03112
Aspiring .NET and Full-Stack/Front-End developer

Federal Bureau of Prisons Lexington, KY

Jack Baylor Jack-alt8
I started coding as a student @CodeLouisville in the Web Development course.

Louisville, KY

Dan Collins dan-collins-dev
Just a guy who likes to make games and learn.


Rodrigo D. Martinez Rmartinez52
6 years experience in manufacturing Associate's in Industrial Mechanical Technology, along with a background in Adv. Automation & Robotics.

Southern Indiana

El HATIMI Zakaria Zack4DEV
Software Developer, enthusiast with DevOps ,CI and CD.

@Zeh4DEV Rabat ,Morocco

Alwin Rajkumar alwnraj
CSE @ UofL

Louisville, KY

Keith Flynn keith-flynn
Problem solving devotee, JavaScript Ninja / Pythonista, and learning nut.

Cincinnati, OH

J. Nathan Allen nateonmission
I built my first website from my Lynx bookmark file in 1995. Today, I'm building sites with the latest versions of HTML, CSS, & JavaScript/TypeScript connecting

Louisville, KY

Sam Crabtree SamCrabtree
Junior Web Developer Padawan, Full Time Introverted Extrovert, Semi-Professional Pencil Pusher

Louisville, KY

Ryan Cornett ryancornett
Beginner web and software developer with certificates from Code:You. HTML | CSS | JS | C# | .NET

Kentucky, United States

Nathan Wpse333x

@CodeLouisville @Linux

Maryanne Hooper thestormvixen
Code Louisville Graduate: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
John Christopher Sloan jsphotos205
out in eastern ky.

Beattyville, KY

Ivette Lindsay vettaca
Strategically minded data analyst with experience in Excel, SQL, Power BI, and Tableau. Eager to assist in decision-making goals.

Louisville, KY

J. Alan Meers Luinwe12
New student at CodeKentucky and learning how to code one step at a time.
Andrew J Hughes ajhughesdev
Frontend web developer at

@andrewjhughes Louisville, KY

D. D'JUAN NychetheAwesome
Data Analysis Student Currently Learning Python at CodeLouisville

@codelouisville louisville

Shane Horton Shanehortonm
Aspiring React Developer Contract Developer for OnCure. Graduate of @CodeLouisville
Kim Hogle kimhogle
๐Ÿ–ค๐–‚๐–Ž๐–‹๐–Š. ๐•ธ๐–”๐–’๐–˜๐–™๐–Š๐–—.๐Ÿ–ค ๐ŸŽฎ PSID: kimdiamond8817๐ŸŽฎ ๐ŸŒ’๐ŸŒ“๐ŸŒ”๐ŸŒ•๐ŸŒ–๐ŸŒ—๐ŸŒ˜

Florence, KY

Daniel Braaksma DanielBraaksma
Excited about JavaScript and JavaScript frameworks. @CodeLouisville graduate

Louisville, KY