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Suchitra Shankar SuchitraShankar07

PES University Bangalore

👋 Hi! I'm Abhishek Shirol
VirtualHorror VirtualHorror
Technology and Space Enthusiast | Young Entrepreneur - CEO & Founder at Proton Servers Host | Full Stack Developer


raghav balaji Raghav-Balaji
Project-based learner Doing crazy things. Tech and Computer

PES University Karnataka India

Abhinav Puranik abhinavpuranik
Student at PES University


Ayush Ashok AyushAshok

PES University Bengaluru

Anirudh Prasad Icarus131
Hacker and systems programmer. Linux enthusiast, osdev, malware dev and networks guy. And yes, I hacked NASA


Ghanashyam Bhat Ghanashyam-Bhat
Eager to learn new technologies and methodologies. Always willing to innovate the new things which can improve the existing technology. @2020-HelloWorld 💻

Student at PES University India

T JAIWANTH tatuskarjaiwanth
Pursuing Artificial intelligence and Machine learning from pes university

PES University Bangalore

Suraj B M silicoflare
TypeScript Maniac and Aviation Enthusiast

PES University localhost

Anirudh Sudhir anirudhsudhir
Systems Engineering Intern @bytebeamio | Undergrad at PESU

@bytebeamio Bangalore

Samprith Jagtap D Samprith002
👨‍💻Machine learning enthusiast with a focus on NLP and Reinforcement learning.


Tushar Tusharprabhu
I am currently pursuing a BTech in ECE engineering at PES University, with a major in Electronics and Communication Engineering and a minor in Computer Science.


Chirag A Reddy chiragintech
A second-year undergraduate learning about web development and machine learning.


Nabirasul A NabirasulA
Myself Nabirasul. A, intending to learn and work on developing things.
K Musadiq Pasha MusadiqPasha
CSE-AIML @ PES Univeristy


Anagha Sujith entropybrains
Newbie trying to catch up.

Bangalore, India

Aditya Hegde bwaklog
Undergrad at PESU

Bengaluru, India

ophilus tentacleneko
watch, as this profile eventually becomes the greatest school project repo holder of all time
Abhijith M S AMS003010
Hello!!, I’m Abhijith M S and I would love to Empower Decentralized Dreams Through Technology😀.I am a College Sophomore with a Passion for Programming.


Pratik K pratikiran
I do dumb business. @Pavan-B-N, @VMsubhash and @NitheeshwarBR is best at what he does.

Rajajinagar, Banglore, Karnataka, India