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Squintz SquintzWrapSupreme
Learning some knowledge!
Roman Kunshin RomanK2311
I love Android and programs and I also love Material You and Goa Trance. ❤️

Russian Federation, Republic of Udmurtia

Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

WSTxda WSTxda

WSTprojects Brazil

ハザマ=ホノカ Hazama25
The first step to fixing something is to know no matter how destroyed it seems, it can always be saved.

@omnirom @Evolution-X Philippines

Gagan Malvi gaganmalvi
Platform engineer by day, designer by night. Founder @StyxProject.

@AOSPA | @StyxProject Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


Lucknow Up India

Wahid Khan Wahid7852
Every commit of mine fixes a thing while breaking 2 others :D


Arun Alexandar arunalexkk

Logically Technology Bangalore

Ali Siddique imalisiddique
WordPress Expert & Graphic Designer 🤘


R. Charan charanravi-online

LG Soft India Bangalore, India

Tattwamashi Nayak ElectroPerf
Student • Lead Dev @AtomXCLO • Co-founder @Atom-X-Devs@AOSPA

@AOSPA @Atom-X-Devs @AtomXCLO India

DeadShot0x7 Deadshot0x7
Full Stack Web Dev | Custom Rom Dev | Game Tester and Custom Rom Developer @Ressurected-Bird
Rahul rk134
18 | aviation engineering student

@statixOS | @aospa | @PixelOS-AOSP United Kingdom