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Griffin Chure gchure
Theoretical & Applied Biophysics Postdoc at Stanford Biology

Stanford University - Jonas Cremer Lab San Francisco, CA

Launa Greer LaunaG
Software engineer at the @uchicago-dsi . Masters of Science in Computational Analysis and Public Policy.

Chicago, IL

saeideh valipour saeidehvalipour
Ph.D. Student Research Assistant University of Delaware

University of Delaware Newark, DE

Edoardo Zoni EZoni

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, California, United States

Martins Nwanakwere martolini1124
An active learner. Software engineer

Robbins Gioia DC

Heinz-Alexander Fuetterer afuetterer

WZB Berlin Social Science Center Berlin, Germany

Travis Kuennen tkuennen

There's no place like

John ZuHone jzuhone

Center for Astrophysics | Harvard and Smithsonian Cambridge, MA

James Wright jrwrigh
Currently an Aerospace Engineering student using high performance clusters for turbulence model research.

Boulder, CO

I'm a RSE at Princeton working with the astronomy department. I work mostly with HPC GPU computing and physical modeling.

Princeton University

David Nicholson NickleDave
ML, AI; behavior + cog + neuro. Open + inclusive science. Pythonista. He/him (they's ok too). Habla espanglish y baila salsa y bachata a medio tiempo.

@vocalpy Charm City

Andrew Beck (ERG) a-w-beck
Senior LCA Analyst at ERG

@Eastern-Research-Group Philadelphia, PA

Eric Shapiro shapeseas
Currently reading: The Obelisk Gate by N.K. Jemisin, part of the Broken Earth Series

Philadelphia, PA

Zoe Braiterman zbraiterman
Data Science, Engineering, Information Security

New York, NY

Alexander Koufos exoticDFT
Physicist and research software engineer with specialty in simulation, applied computational physics, mathematics and robotics.

Stanford USA

Drew Paine pained
UX Researcher, Product Manager, Curmudgeon


I do some things
Leslie Dickinson lespam
QA tester interested in Finance, Math, Computers, and Art! 💪🏿


Laud B laudb
*.js , *.py


Sricharan Reddy Varra srivarra
Research Software Engineer developing multiplexed single cell analysis frameworks. Dabbling in Houdini FX in my free time.

@karadavis-lab @angelolab San Francisco, CA

Steven DeMartini sjdemartini
Working on tools for a decarbonized future. Programmer by day, DIY musician by night (find my music on Bandcamp/YouTube/Spotify 🎸).

Stealth startup Berkeley, CA

Julian Pistorius julianpistorius
Organic Software Gardener 🍅

Exosphere Project Tucson, Arizona

Henry Burgess henryjburg
Software Engineer, Brain Development and Disorders Lab @ WashU Neuroscience

St. Louis, MO

Ryan Morey rmorey
computer user

@seung-lab The Garden State

Gustavo de León gadeleonp
Hello, I am Gustavo. I studied Engineering at the University San Carlos of Guatemala. I have experiencie in C++, C#, Java, HTML 5, JQuery, PL/SQL, SOAP, RESTful

Guatemala City, Guatemala Central America.

Naeem Khoshnevis Naeemkh
Senior ML Research Engineer | Kempner Institute

Harvard University USA, MA, Cambridge

Jackson Burns JacksonBurns
Chemical Engineering and Computation Researcher @ MIT


Chang Liao changliao1025

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, WA

Zvi Baratz ZviBaratz
Neuroscience Ph.D. student at Tel-Aviv University.

Tel Aviv

John Gerrard Holland hollandjg
I'm a data scientist at @brown-ccv working on interpretable AI and earth observation.

@brown-ccv @BrownUniversity Cambridge, Massachusetts