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Rafael Perez Rufistofeles México

Derviş Aygün unalaygun
Lover (Coding,Life,NBA,Beşiktaş)
Apolon apolonv3
Full-Stack Engineer * Backend * Frontend * JavaScript * Typescript * React * Node.js * C# * .Net * ASP.Net Core * Azure
M SAIFUL ISLAM msaifulcsse
Full Stack Software Engineer (.NET&Core) by profession, PHP & mobile app developer by passion, with interests in AI, Machine Learning & Data Science with Python

SoftifyBD Limited Dhaka, Bangladesh

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

AVA Sharkawy AvaSharkawy
.NET Developer

AVA Codes Egypt

不死鸟玉山禾 zjdyzww

中泽开源国际 china

Furkan Uykun fuykun
Software Developer

Boyner Istanbul, Turkey

Emre KARA ekaradev
Software Developer


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ömer Memes oms83
Backend Developer & .NET Developer

Turkey, Trabzon

Ahmed Abo Zaid aabozaid0094
Software Developer


MuradoffCode(hardworking programmer) MuradoffTehmez
I’m just a Software Developer who wants to make useful products for people’s daily life.

MuradofCode Nakhchivan

Berkay Başkaya berkaymbaskaya
I specialize in frontend development, with a particular passion for working with Angular



İstanbul Türkiye

Mustafa Gönültaş gonultasmf
Software Engineer

@Medyasoft İstanbul