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Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada


MALKO Madison, WI

Zaman Turja zamanturja
Firmware, Embedded Systems, Software, Product


LoboLinux lobolinux

Caldas Novas Go Brazil

New knowledge... New experiences... New challenges


Gabriel Gabriel-Goes
Geosciences undergraduate and focusing my studies on remote sensing techniques.

Geosciences Institute - Sao Paulo University Brazil

Daniele Azzarà cicabuca
mess with the best die like the rest

Politecnico Di Milano

Jim jimothyg
Data Engineer

Brisbane QLD, Australia

Prince manny-pi
Hey! I'm Prince. I like Software Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence. How about you?

Ved Vyas vedcodes2312
A studious lover...coding :) Engineering...

Engineering Undergraduate Student(B.Tech. CSE), GSFC University(2024-present) India 🇮🇳

Shivanik Raj Sabharwal batcomputer
Electrical engineer. Google Udacity Nanodegree Scholar

717 terrace drive roseville Minnesota

Ron Sheely RonSheely
Husband, father, grandfather, retired Cal Poly Electronic, Software, Embedded Systems Engineer, hp, Tektronix lifelong learner, really old photo ...

Retired Pacific Northwest


北京化工大学 北京市昌平区南口镇南涧路

Gianluigi Lopardo gianluigilopardo
Data Scientist | Machine Learning PhD @INRIA | Mathematical Engineering MSc & BSc @polito

European Central Bank Frankfurt am Main

Amr Nagy AmrNagy10
Software Engineer| Ubuntu User| Pythonic

Student-at-Sinai University Egypt , Damita , Kafr soliman

Joshua Parr Flighter13
I am a third-year Electrical Engineering student at the University of Virginia. My code is primarily messing around with Python in my various projects.
Salim Ali Salim-Ali-94
i am an engineer working in the field of full-stack development

HealthDart South Africa