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Swamy Naidu Lenka SwamyNaiduLenka
Big Data Engineer, Interested in AI/ML & Data Science.


Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

victor immanuel victorchrollo14
Full stack and devops engineer. Like building cool stuff.


ansumanswain ansumanswain
I have a friendly and conscientious personality. In addition, I have experience as an employee and part of several comprehensive projects.
Ayaan B. Bordoloi Ayaan49
Ayaan is a DevOps evangelist at Devtron who writes about cloud-native tech and Kubernetes.

Devtron Gurugram, India.

Vignesh ckvignesh
Fullstack Dev | Learning & Building in Public


Sagar Jangam SAJA0096
Data Engineer - Java | Hadoop | Pyhton | AWS


Haard Patel haard7
Graduate Student at Illinois Tech, Chicago. | Cloud | Data | Software Development

Chicago, IL

Shivanand Patil shivanand-patil
ardent cricket fan, jake peralta energy and yes i'm here
Aviraj Khare avirajkhare00
Masters in AI & ML from LJMU
Vikas Wakde vikaswakde
Learn -> Build -> Contribute -> Repeat!


Benshan Mei mbs0221
Happy Hacking!

UCAS Beijing

LV Nilesh lvnilesh
Rated among the top 10, Cloud Genius® is the fastest way for you to be highly productive on your job.

Cloud Genius