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Charles Williams charlestwilliams
Data analyst specializing in real estate valuation

Jackson County Assessment Department Kansas City, MO

Aburrá Space aburraspace
architecture and design critic

National University of Colombia

Christopher Silber cctosilber
Cook County Treasurer's Office GIS technician and research analyst

Cook County Illinois Treasurer's Office

Chris Hacker cmhac
Investigative data reporter @cbs-news-data

@cbs-news-data Chicago

Lars Doucet larsiusprime

Level Up Labs, LLC Texas

Sean Becker seanbecker15
Media engineer at @fubotv

Chicago, IL

Anthony Moser anthonymoser
Software Engineer / Product Manager Python, MYSQL, Data Analysis & Automation


Douglas Williams Douglasmsw
Data Science and Public Policy student at the University of Chicago. I like playing with datasets and project-based learning. I upload some of my stuff here.


Anders Hjort adhjort
Senior Data Scientist at Eiendomsverdi AS and PhD student in Statistics at the University of Oslo

Eiendomsverdi AS Oslo

Naqiy Naqiy90
Practicing Python for Data Analysis and GIS to assist transit and pedestrian safety advocacy
Jordi Rosell jrosell

Aiguafreda, Barcelona

Robb Fitzsimmons robbfitzsimmons
Partner at @linnaean

@linnaean Chicago, IL

Eli Holder elibryan
Product maker, curious about data-centric tools & products as a lens into how people think, feel and work.

Brooklyn, NY

Chris Thomas chris-c-thomas

@Argonne-National-Laboratory Chicago, IL

Robert Ross rross0
Economist, policy-wonk, data-scientist who answers questions using data, charts, graphs, presentations, and maps, explains big ideas in little words.

Maryland Department of Transportation Baltimore, MD

Shlomi Hod shlomihod
Data Science | Education | Responsible AI


Tex Pasley simplicio10
Lawyer by trade, interested in open source legal tech projects, especially around LLMs and knowledge graphs. Also enjoy working with baseball, geospatial data

Chicago, IL

Kevin Bryson cmdkev
Morehouse College '21, Ph.D Student at University of Chicago. Interested in AI ethics, Security, Privacy, HCI, ML, video games and all other cool things.


Steven Paul Sanderson II, MPH spsanderson
R | SQL | Python and R, to create smarter healthcare analytics and decision support. #rstats #tidy #r #healthyverse #healthdata

Stony Brook Medicine Meford, NY

Dan Snow dfsnow
Researcher @turquoisehealth. Formerly Director of Data Science @ccao-data. Focused on improving public goods and explaining complex systems.

@turquoisehealth San Francisco, CA

Eric Langowski erhla
Storytelling & data science. Working on civic tech within government.
Alexis McAdams amcadamsCMAP

@CMAP-REPOS Northeastern IL

Magnus Vilhelm Persson vilhelmp
Senior Data Scientist with a background in Astrophysics. Interested in algorithms in general, and spatiotemporal algos, machine learning specifically.

Värderingsdata Gothenburg, Sweden

cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY

Lesley Duff dataquine
Senior developer now seeking employment in data related role. Graduate of @codeclan DR22 cohort in Professional Data Analysis.

Glasgow, Scotland

Rashed Khan RashedKhanOfficial
My Instagram id @Rashed.KhanOfficial My Twitter id @fastrashedd Tiktok id @Rashed.KhanOfficial


Open Source Contributor 💻, Runner 🏃🏻‍♂️ Gastronome 🍲
