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Anurendra Kumar anurendra
AI for Impact

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta

Maxi Attiogbe maxiattiogbe
MIT senior AI major + Math Minor Interested in biology-, chemistry-, and physics-informed deep learning for drug discovery and design
Thu Vu thuvu17
B.S. Computer Science at NYU Tandon

Brooklyn, NY

Ibrahim ElZahaby IbrahimElzahaby
Bioinformatician | Computational Biologist

Wageningen University & Research The Netherlands

Mostafa Zaki SuperMAZ424
Biotechnology grad. Science, football, and history enthusiast, Love learning new coding tricks, and trying to make myself and the world around me better.
Alex Velez-Arce amva13

@mims-harvard Cambridge, MA

Melissa Kinney mkinney86
Stem Cell Engineer & Computational Biologist

University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI

Zhixu Ni ZhixuNi
Lipidomics analysis and software development. #lipidomics #LCMS #mass_spectrometry

TU Dresden

Sébastien Wieckowski sbwiecko
PhD, Immuno-Oncology, freelance consulting in life sciences data analysis

second scight Strasbourg, France

Alejandro Efraín Marín Peralta EfraMP
I like math, biology & comp. science Currently learning genomics & bioinformatics


Machine Learning Enthusiastic
Umar Ahmad babasaraki
Geneticist passionate about bioinformatics. Cancer Bioinformatics with a focus on multi-Omics data integration.

Institute of Genomics Ethiopia