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Universe B97.44F3.44 (currently exploring uncharted space)

Ghost Anon23261
I love working on new projects, coming up with new ideas, and collaborating. Certified Software Engineer/Cyber-security enthusiast/Programmer. Python Developer

Ghost Sec USA

Quentin HujinoKun

Lyon, France

Jason Ryals jryals579
I love Information Technology. I started at a young age , 10 years young riding my bike to a local Radio Shack. I was fortunate to meet an employee of Radio Sha
楼兰碎叶 loulansuiye
emtee40 emtee40
Collecting the work of others to share with others. Everything from songs about Snowden to open-source judicial communication framework.


Nimbulaxan Nimbulaxan
Due to restrictions at work, primarily program in VBA/MATLAB now but looking into Python for SageMath and Jupyter Notebook.
Name: Simeon Bowman Age: 35 years old Business: MOODMNKY LLC

MOODMNKY LLC St Clair Shores, MI

strnh strnh
FreeBSD user. Server administrator in the wild

Crew Yokohama,Japan

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Desert hong539
just practice


Dennis Delin zorce

Troglobite Engineering Sweden

Aleksandr Riazantsev ad-riaz
PhD in Physics

Voronezh, Russia

Parth Arora parth1614
Blockchain Dev at Ikarus | ex-Tech Writer at DoDAO | ex-Blockchain at Avalor Investmens |Research| Linux Foundation Scholar'21 | Founder-President, The Allegory

Ikarus 3D Chandigarh, India

Satyam Tiwary sutyum

@TechnocultureResearch Boodgaya, India

Mark Vilrokx mvilrokx
Senior Architect with 20+ years of experience designing and building Enterprise Applications on Cloud platforms (SaaS, PaaS and IaaS)

San Mateo, CA

Lukas f. Paluch fluktuid

@tuxig ( The Internet

Baggybawz baggybawz21
Am bringing Shexxy bk