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Christophe Lengelé Xon77
Spatial sound composer and performer with Free tools like SuperCollider

Montréal / Anywhere

Samuel Santos SamSantosidc
Bachelor of Information Systems -UFPB (Federal unibersity of Paraíba).

Universidade Federal da Paraíba Brazil

Guilherme Lopes guilopeszw
information systems bachelor @ ufpb (federal university of paraíba)


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


zenparad0x civilian24601
Hi - I'm an audio engineer, producer and web designer.

threefold media new york

Franklin Anthony franklinthony
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering at Federal University of Paraíba.

João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil

João Wallace joallace
Computer Engineering B.Sc. | Interested in using technology to improve democracy and positively impact society

Paraíba, Brazil

Daqiu Shi HiHippie
It's faster to take your time.
Tito Rezende titorez
Growth & Product Analytics

@moises-ai Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Tales Nobre talesnobre
Undergrad Data Science and Artificial Intelligence student - UFPB

João Pessoa - PB

Davi Ribeiro davirpp
Analytics Engineer Intern at @techindicium. Studying Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at Federal University of Paraiba - A problem solver

Indicium Paraíba, Brazil

Luigi Schmitt luigischmitt
Computer Science B.Sc. Interested in Machine Learning and Competitive Programming

@moises-ai Brazil

Gabriel Ribeiro gabrielbribeiroo
Computer Science Student at Universidade Federal da Paraiba (UFPB)

UFPB João Pessoa - PB

Rômulo Henri romhenri
Computer Science @ UFPB

@arialab • @onikegames João Pessoa, Brazil

Daniel Victor danielvictorb
Software Engineer, Computer Science @UFPB

@moises-ai João Pessoa

-YT DL GUI, YT CSS Editor, Reddit AD block, Spotify Artists Most Popular Song Checker -
Ava in-c0
it's gonna be an exciting year😃

Sydney, Australia

Epitacio Neto epitacioneto
Data Scientist at dhauz. Post-graduate student at PUC Minas and UNIESP. Computer Engineering bachelor at UFPB. Former Director @TailUFPB


Richa Namballa richa-namballa

New York University New York, NY

Sebastian sebat2004

Corvallis, OR

Tiago Trindade trindadetiago

UFPB João Pessoa, Paraíba

Leonardo Chianca leochianca
iOS Developer

Universidade Federal da Paraíba João Pessoa - Paraíba

Isaac Emmanuel YAO IS2aC
Data Engineering | Data Science | ML Engineering | Software Engineering || Modern Data Stack lover

Cinetpay Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

Matheus Matdu
Living to game and code.

RD São Paulo, Brazil

Everton ever-ton
“It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.” -- Software Developer

Avenue Code São Paulo, Brazil

Tony empiricompany
E-commerce Specialist and Magento Senior Developer Infrastructure and Web Architect


Endel Dreyer endel
Indie OSS developer, making @colyseus and multiplayer games.

@colyseus Brazil

Deivison jordão DeivisonJordao
Student of data science and artificial intelligence

UFPB João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil

AnyCreatureMorph AnyCreatureMorph
I have autism + adhd. Love anthro animals, Hate being human, I want the power to shapeshift into any creature, can't turn back human, also be invincible
Ana Rachel anarachel1
Civil engineer exploring the world of data and loving it

João Pessoa