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Jim Mack jtmack6
metal nerd

San Francisco

Unpil Baek unpilbaek
An avid UC Berkeley PhD student interested in quantum computing and its intersections with condensed matter physics, quantum chemistry, and machine learning.

University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA

Lukas Truniger lukemodular
generative media & sound artist
Selin Tüncer selintunr

@diktatorial İstanbul

Alexandre Dpbm
Hi, I'm Alexandre Aka Dpbm. I'm a Brazilian developer. In love with quantum computers 😍


Hanah Rahman hrahman12
"Quantum computing could unlock new possibilities in simulating complex biological systems revolutionizing drug discovery and molecular biology." –John Preskill
Marcus Edwards comp-phys-marc
Quantum Physicist. Full Stack Engineering. PhD - Comp Eng @ U of British Columbia, MSc - Quantum Info Sci @ UWaterloo, BSc - CS and Physics @ Wilfrid Laurier

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Sean Canton eighteyes
JavaScript + Python. Startup vet. Music is my non-linear activity of choice.

Eight Eyes Creations Earth (Sol)

Federico Visi federicoVisi

@Intelligent-Instruments-Lab @wearablecomputing @NIME-conference Berlin

Cumhur Erkut cerkut
I work at @SMC-AAU-CPH

Sound and Music Computing, Aalborg University Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmarlk

David Yonge-Mallo dlyongemallo
Software engineer working on machine learning and quantum computing.


Physical Synthesis physicalsynthesis
Physical Synthesis builds sound devices and systems capable of bridging virtual and physical environments.

Physical Synthesis Brooklyn, NY

Astryd Park artreadcode
Quantum Application Engineer @moth-quantum && MSc Creative Computing 23/24 @ual-cci

}|{ London, United Kingdom