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Shantanu Agrawal Shantanu218
My name is Shantanu Agrawal. I am currently doing my Bachelor of Computing in Artificial Intelligence at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


Peter Lorenz jS5t3r
Research Fellow @ NTU Singapore. PhD in Machine Learning @ Computer Vision and Learning Lab at Heidelberg University.


Joey Lim jyorien
I make apps sometimes and games other times.

Nanyang Technological University Singapore

Chintya Tio Anggarani Siahaan summeraine

Nanyang Technological University Singapore

izkizk8 izkizk8
Code changes life.
Advait Deshpande advaitbd
just playing around with code

NTU BCG Singapore

Bryan Tay rivenbryan
A compilation of my Web Development projects.
Dyllon Gunawardhana RealDyllon
Software Engineer at Singapore

Siddhant Pathak siddhantpathakk
ntu'24. dpsn'20. ex data-science @asurion ex-swe @InMobi, ex-mle @panasonic

Nanyang Technological University Singapore

Aspiring coding enthusiast aiming to become a master. Someday I will join the coding Hokage.