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Christine Percheski cpercheski
Associate Professor at Northwestern University

Northwestern University

Sneha Kachhara sn-ka

Northwestern University Evanston

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Tawny Spinelli spinellitr

Northwestern University Chicago, Illinois

Ishan Mukherjee ishanjmukherjee
Northwestern CS '26

Chicago, IL

Beryl Hovis-Afflerbach berylha
Second year astronomy PhD student at Northwestern University / CIERA, studying massive stars in galaxies across cosmic time

Tulane University New Orleans

Gabriele Hayden, PhD gabrielesh
Librarian always learning new things.

University of Oregon Libraries

Pamela Shaw Bioscibrarian

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Chicago, IL

Huaxia Zhou huaxiaz

Northwestern University Evanston, IL

Grant Wiersum gbwiersum

Northwestern University Chicago, IL

Victor Agaba victoragaba
I like building mathematical programs.

Northwestern University Evanston, IL

A Chinese Guy Loves Lionel Messi

Yunnan University China

Anurup Mohanty strayologist
An early career researcher fascinated by microbes and their mechanisms to thrive in extreme environments. I enjoy travelling and discussing big history

Northwestern India Chicago, USA

Lynx-jr Lynx-jr
Lynx is my initials. Data junkie. Bad question asker. Endlessly curious. Bike enthusiast. FroYo lover. Patent researcher and Path to Nowhere player

Feinberg School of Medicine


Chicago, IL

Lauren Ables- Torres lauren2255
Python | R | Data Management
Su Burtner sburtner
Director of Quantitative Research at the Center for Neighborhood Engaged Research and Science (CORNERS)

Evanston, IL

Adam Goodkind angoodkind
Computational linguist, cognitive scientist, tinkerer

Chicago, IL

Indira Pla indirapla
Postdoc at Northwestern University. Bioinformatics/multiomics data analysis/Biostatistics/Machine learning

Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois, USA

Postdoctoral Scholar at Faculty of Science <#Computational Biology #multiomics #machine learning #Single Cell Genomics #Systems Biology>
William Thompson schorndorfer
Software Engineer - Data Science

United States

Daniel inhyeoklee

University of Chicago

Manuela Runge ManuelaRunge
Infectious disease epidemiologist specialized on malaria modeling.

@numalariamodeling Switzerland

Jose Sotelo josesotelosp

Northwestern University/ETS

Will Shin willshin-datascientist
Something about AI/ML, data cleaning, data viz, and all that zero-zero-zero-destruct-zero...

Houston, TX