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Zun MTZun10
I automate to spend more time with my dogs.

Kyoto University Kyoto, Japan

Sascha Klawohn Sideboard
/ˈzaʃa klaˈvoːn/

@FAIRmat-NFDI Berlin, Germany

Lifeng Ren lifengren95
PhD Student, Applied Economics, UMN;
Srikanth K S talegari
Explorations in causality, Interpretable Machine Learning, Statistics, geospatial analysis

Games24x7 Bengaluru

Felix Schreyer fschreyer
I am a researcher on energy systems transformation at the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research (PIK) and a developer of the REMIND model.
Peng Zhou ZhouPeng12138
Zhejiang University/major in agricultural economic management

Zhejiang University

Marton Tasnadi kistasi
‘98 | drama aspirant | software developer | waldorf | freeszfe | budapest | he/him

Software Developer Budapest, Hungary

Florian Sihler EagleoutIce
In love with programming and penguins.

Ulm University Germany

Hagen Tockhorn hagento
Physicist, Energy Systems Modelling
KA kma33

Washington D.C.

Amedeo Ceruti ddceruti
Energy Systems researcher and PhD candidate at TU Munich. Chemical Engineer from Barcelona, Spain.

TU München Munich, Germany

Johannes HAMPP euronion

Open Energy Transition

Josh Hopkins joshhopkins
Democratising sustainability intelligence. Founder @opencorridor | Researcher @CutinUniversity | alumni @ClimateSubak 🔬🚀🌱

Open Corridor Planet Earth

Bin Lin BinLin94
Ph.D. at Zhejiang University

@MAgPIE-China Hangzhou, China

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Felicitas Beier FelicitasBeier
PhD student at Humboldt University, Berlin & Junior Researcher at PIK & Contributor to @magpiemodel and @pik-piam

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Potsdam, Germany

Ruiying Du Ruiying-Du
Ph.D. Candidate at Zhejiang University

@MAgPIE-China Hangzhou,China

Hadi Prasojo hadiprasojo
PhD student, exploring energy-enviro-econ nexus

IUSS Pavia / UniInsubria Varese, Italy

Adrian Odenweller aodenweller
PhD student in the Energy Systems Group at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Johannes Koch johanneskoch94

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Berlin, Germany