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Josh Nicholas joshnicholas

The Guardian Australia

Tarek Ahsan tarekahsan709
Enthusiastic Software Engineer around 10 years experience at all stages of the development lifecycle, from design and prototyping to scaling up production
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


btdeviant btdeviant

Ascension Island

Lucas Shen Y. S. LSYS
Applied econ | Data science | Quantitative social science | Senior data janitor
Hazel Gandhi hazel-gandhi
M.S. Data Journalism at Columbia Journalism School

Columbia University New York

Virginwidow XkaV
Ax3-idental H4x0R since 16 mb RAM was "bad-ass". When the amber/black CRT showed only >
Julie Christie juliechristiedata
Former Director of Data & Impact at @Resolve-Philly

Philadelphia, PA

Chris Amico eyeseast
Journalist & Developer in Boston, working on @documentcloud @MuckRock

@MuckRock Boston, MA

Capi Etheriel barraponto
Co-founder at Ônibus Hacker. Contributor to free and open source web technologies. Pythonista, Drupalista, Javascriptsta.

@hackatoa @belvo-finance Brazil

Julian Schmidli jlsmdl

Datadriven Journalist at Swiss Radio and Television. Data-driven Reporter. Wanna-be-Coder. Switzerland

Morgan Bennet MorganBennetDev me
Narottam Medhora narottam-medhora
Data and digital graphics developer @times

The Times News Lab London

Miriam Seoane Santos miriamspsantos
Assistant Professor @ University of Porto

University of Porto Portugal

Louis Radtke louisradtke
CS masters student at TU Dortmund University. Alumnus of @get-racing driverless.

@get-racing Dortmund, Germany

patrick pnwheeler
hey there

United States

HeisenBerg? wanghaisheng
chinese name sound like hyson


Alex Rigler alexrigler
Building ChooChoo 🚂 - The Business Engine

@choochoohq San Francisco

Connie connixu
MA Student | Quantitative Social Science - Data Science Focus | QMSS Columbia University

Columbia University New York

Cindy Chen chencindyj
Quantitative methods, applied statistics, and data science. Background in business analytics and retail. Interested in using data science responsibly.

United States

Meghana Kotcherlakota megkotch09
Computer Science @ Georgia Institute of Technology
Tyler H deepc0py
UC Berkeley MiCS 2025.

San Francisco

💡Creative Teachologist & 💻 Software Development: I am using quantidfied research to guide creativity for cross-scale human understanding

Columbia University / Georgia Institute of Technology New York

Sérgio Spagnuolo sergiospagnuolo
Agência de dados para jornalismo e tecnologia. Casa, também, do site de investigações Núcleo Jornalismo.

Volt Data Lab Brazil

Larry Chan larrysammii
Ex-Architect; Software Dev; Puzzle Solver;

Hong Kong

Emily Mo emilymo008
let's find out 🌱📉


Nazmul Ahasan the-nazmul

UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism Berkeley, CA

Aidan Bartlett aidanbartlett0

University of Washington Seattle