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Zakaria AKTOUF zackAJ
🕸 Laravel / Neovim enthusiast 🕸Passionate about dev tools 🕸🇩🇿🕸

[email protected]

Crisciany Souza Any97Cris
Desenvolvedora de Software

Manaus - AM

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Ryan Ginnow rginnow
Dedicated to building maintainable and efficient software using Laravel, Vue, and Inertia.


Chuck Rincón chuckrincon
Software Engineer

México | US

Adiel Cristo adielcristo
I'm a software engineer working on PT-BR translations of software tools at

Camaçari, Brazil

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Firas Muhammed masterfiras101
Laravel | Vuejs | Inertiajs | PHP | Flutter


Thijmen NietThijmen
I own a computer or something


Sergey Mochalov proweb
💻 Software developer in HiEd ☕ Coffee lover 👩 Husband and 👦👧 Father


Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


Ben Perry avenjamin

Sydney, Australia

> __________
Riajul Islam iamriajul
SWE at Kahf Yazılım A.Ş. | Laravel | Flutter | Qwik | CTO @SasthyaSeba | Daily Islam #FreePalestine 🇵🇸

Riajul-IT Kushtia, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Mohammad Mortazavi hans-thomas
A million dreams are keeping me awake...

Gotham City

Mehedi Jaman mehedijaman
Full Stack Software Developer - PHP | MySQL | Laravel | Vue | Inertia | Tailwind | Linux

gTechService Khulna,Bangladesh

David Carr dcblogdev
Blogger at

Hull, UK

Jim Merioles jimmerioles
🧑‍💻 Develops w/ Linux         🌐 Contributes to Open Source     🪙 Leverages Web3         🚀 Innovates w/ AI         ✅ OPEN TO OPPORTUNITIES 🤙😊

Remote 🚀🏖️

Enterprise ngogiaphat
Run for my life !!!!!!

Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City

Alex Hempton-Smith hempsworth
Head of Digital Performance at @eighteen73

@eighteen73 Hereford, UK

Paulus sesa seanpaulsesa
🏛Cenderawasih University

Universitas Cenderawasih Sorong Papua Barat Daya

Scott Ashmore scottash21

@veezu-dev @Syolo-dev Sheffield, United Kingdom

Rózsa Zoltán rozsazoltan
Laravel, Pest, MySQL | Vite, TypeScript, Vue, Vitest | Tailwind


Glauber Funez GlauberF
Full Stack Developer. Curious, enterprising, fascinated by Startups, Growth Hacker and developer of agile methodologies.


Dominique Vilain dominiquevilain
I teach Web quality in Belgium 🇧🇪

Haute École de la Province de Liège Seraing, BE

Abegail Torrendon thenocturnaldevgypsy
Technical Project & Operation Manager | Product Owner | Technical Writer | Old-school Full-Stack Developer | (on-Hiatus) CS/IT Assistant Professor

Somewhere in SEAsia

Grigore Dutcovici Grigore147
Technical Lead | Solutions Architect | AWS Cloud Engineer

Chisinau, Moldova

Luis Toscano talcual
🌴 Tropical Dev.

CaribeCoders IT Barranquilla, Colombia

Daniel Haven danielh-official

Solar Reviews New Jersey, US

Tayyab MTayyabHanif
Developer. Designer. Curious. Fast Learner. Thinker.

From a galaxy far far away

Stanley Kinkelaar stanleykinkelaar

1AFA Capelle aan den IJssel

Patrícia Costa patriciacostaei
Passionate about cybersecurity, digital forensics, and forensic science.

Universidade Aberta Rio Tinto

Durgesh Gupta ilearnbydoing
I am a full stack developer.

WebAnaya Solutions Mumbai, India

Jason Jozwiak jjozwiak

@selectedpixel Baltimore, MD

PHP Developer

Belgrade, Serbia

Rohan genericrohan
Changing careers to become a developer. Currently employed in a role doing VERY JUNIOR WordPress & Laravel dev & some hosting/infrastructure work.
