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Brian Wilcox briwilcox
Always learning. Professional interests include machine learning, security, anti-fraud, and investing.

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Andrii Tarykin ksbomj Alternative reality

Luis Valente lavalcas

MapleCode CSI Labs Seattle, WA

Shiv4x6c Shiva108
Infrastructure Penetration Tester, Red Team Leader, Founder CPH:SEC.

CPH:SEC Copenhagen, Denmark

Felipe Truman felipetruman
The quieter you become,the more you are able to hear.

Levi Govaerts legovaer

@weareoneworld Belgium

T-Z3r07 maurusergio

bug hunter Parnaíba,PI

CyberAstraa CyberAstraa
Learner new here,Future Pentester
Charles Wahome realcapobambino
Contributing to Entropy Since 2004 | Don't be Sheep |

@UjuziTechLimited Nairobi

pсm_systems pcm-systems
#left_cltr #electrolove

fantastic Russian Federation

DimisM DimisMeu
Web Designer & Developer "Too Good to.. Me-True!" Greece

Data breach revealed,         Malware lurks, silent, stealthy -    OSINT tracks the thread.
Networking + Cyber Security - Firewalls + Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing Enthusiast


Wilson WirsoDev
Full Stack Developer | Hacking tech, design and life


D3n1s.Net D3n1sNet
Ich, der Ersteller, bin nicht verantwortlich für Handlungen und/oder Schäden, die durch diese Software verursacht werden. Sie tragen die volle Verantwortung

dToolz Was y

Let’s face it: the future is now. We are already living in a cyber society, so we need to stop ignoring it or pretending that is not affecting us.
