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Still Broken Box (Crypto, 400p)


The task was very similar to but this time we could not recover all the bits of the key. We could get only some fraction of LSB bits, but there is a theorem stating that we need only n/4 of the LSB bits to recover full key, as long as e is reasonably small.

We used the same code as previously to mine faulty signatures and then to recover some bits of d. Then we applited mentioned theorem to recover the whole key. The recovery description can be found here:

We used the sage code:

# partial_d.sage

def partial_p(p0, kbits, n):
    PR.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(n))
    nbits = n.nbits()

    f = 2^kbits*x + p0
    f = f.monic()
    roots = f.small_roots(X=2^(nbits//2-kbits), beta=0.3)  # find root < 2^(nbits//2-kbits) with factor >= n^0.3
    if roots:
        x0 = roots[0]
        p = gcd(2^kbits*x0 + p0, n)
        return ZZ(p)

def find_p(d0, kbits, e, n):
    X = var('X')

    for k in xrange(1, e+1):
        results = solve_mod([e*d0*X - k*X*(n-X+1) + k*n == X], 2^kbits)
        for x in results:
            p0 = ZZ(x[0])
            p = partial_p(p0, kbits, n)
            if p:
                return p

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print "start!"
    n = 123541066875660402939610015253549618669091153006444623444081648798612931426804474097249983622908131771026653322601466480170685973651622700515979315988600405563682920330486664845273165214922371767569956347920192959023447480720231820595590003596802409832935911909527048717061219934819426128006895966231433690709
    e = 97

    beta = 0.5
    epsilon = beta^2/7

    nbits = n.nbits()
    kbits = 300
    d0 = 48553333005218622988737502487331247543207235050962932759743329631099614121360173210513133
    print "lower %d bits (of %d bits) is given" % (kbits, nbits)

    p = find_p(d0, kbits, e, n)
    print "found p: %d" % p

Which gave us the modulus factor p. With that we simply decrypted the flag using:

import gmpy2

def long_to_bytes(flag):
    flag = str(hex(flag))[2:-1]
    return "".join([chr(int(flag[i:i + 2], 16)) for i in range(0, len(flag), 2)])

p = 11508259255609528178782985672384489181881780969423759372962395789423779211087080016838545204916636221839732993706338791571211260830264085606598128514985547
n = 123541066875660402939610015253549618669091153006444623444081648798612931426804474097249983622908131771026653322601466480170685973651622700515979315988600405563682920330486664845273165214922371767569956347920192959023447480720231820595590003596802409832935911909527048717061219934819426128006895966231433690709
q = n/p
e = 97

assert p*q == n
d = gmpy2.invert(e, (p-1)*(q-1))
flag = 96324328651790286788778856046571885085117129248440164819908629761899684992187199882096912386020351486347119102215930301618344267542238516817101594226031715106436981799725601978232124349967133056186019689358973953754021153934953745037828015077154740721029110650906574780619232691722849355713163780985059673037
pt = pow(flag, d, n)

and got flag{n3v3r_l34k_4ny_51n6l3_b17_0f_pr1v473_k3y}

###PL version

Zadanie było bardzo podobne do ale tym razem nie mogliśmy odzyskać wszystkich bitów klucza. Mogliśmy dostać jedynie część niskich bitów klucza, niemniej istnieje twierdzenie mówiące że wystarczy nam n/4 najniższych bitów do odzyskania całego klucza, o ile e jest względnie małe.

Użyliśmy tego samego kodu co wcześniej aby pobrać błędne sygnatury i odzyskać niskie bity d. Następnie zastosowaliśmy wspomniane twierdzenie aby odzyskać cały klucz. Opis mechanizmu odzyskiwania klucza można znaleźć tu:

Użyliśmy kodu:

# partial_d.sage

def partial_p(p0, kbits, n):
    PR.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(n))
    nbits = n.nbits()

    f = 2^kbits*x + p0
    f = f.monic()
    roots = f.small_roots(X=2^(nbits//2-kbits), beta=0.3)  # find root < 2^(nbits//2-kbits) with factor >= n^0.3
    if roots:
        x0 = roots[0]
        p = gcd(2^kbits*x0 + p0, n)
        return ZZ(p)

def find_p(d0, kbits, e, n):
    X = var('X')

    for k in xrange(1, e+1):
        results = solve_mod([e*d0*X - k*X*(n-X+1) + k*n == X], 2^kbits)
        for x in results:
            p0 = ZZ(x[0])
            p = partial_p(p0, kbits, n)
            if p:
                return p

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print "start!"
    n = 123541066875660402939610015253549618669091153006444623444081648798612931426804474097249983622908131771026653322601466480170685973651622700515979315988600405563682920330486664845273165214922371767569956347920192959023447480720231820595590003596802409832935911909527048717061219934819426128006895966231433690709
    e = 97

    beta = 0.5
    epsilon = beta^2/7

    nbits = n.nbits()
    kbits = 300
    d0 = 48553333005218622988737502487331247543207235050962932759743329631099614121360173210513133
    print "lower %d bits (of %d bits) is given" % (kbits, nbits)

    p = find_p(d0, kbits, e, n)
    print "found p: %d" % p

Który dał nam czynnik p modulusa. Następnie po prostu zdeszyfrowaliśmy flagę:

import gmpy2

def long_to_bytes(flag):
    flag = str(hex(flag))[2:-1]
    return "".join([chr(int(flag[i:i + 2], 16)) for i in range(0, len(flag), 2)])

p = 11508259255609528178782985672384489181881780969423759372962395789423779211087080016838545204916636221839732993706338791571211260830264085606598128514985547
n = 123541066875660402939610015253549618669091153006444623444081648798612931426804474097249983622908131771026653322601466480170685973651622700515979315988600405563682920330486664845273165214922371767569956347920192959023447480720231820595590003596802409832935911909527048717061219934819426128006895966231433690709
q = n/p
e = 97

assert p*q == n
d = gmpy2.invert(e, (p-1)*(q-1))
flag = 96324328651790286788778856046571885085117129248440164819908629761899684992187199882096912386020351486347119102215930301618344267542238516817101594226031715106436981799725601978232124349967133056186019689358973953754021153934953745037828015077154740721029110650906574780619232691722849355713163780985059673037
pt = pow(flag, d, n)

i dostalismy `flag{n3v3r_l34k_4ny_51n6l3_b17_0f_pr1v473_k3y}