This document is intended for new users of the Workflow feature to learn how to write and understand flows.
You need to be running Jenkins 1.580.1 or later (1.596.1 or later for more recent features). If you have not already done so, make sure Workflow is installed: go to the Plugin Manager and install Workflow: Aggregator and restart Jenkins. Also make sure the Git and JUnit plugins are installed and up to date.
If you are running CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 14.11 or later, you already have Workflow (plus some extra associated features).
If you want to play with Workflow without installing Jenkins separately (or touching your production system), try running the Docker demo.
Click New Item, pick a name for your flow, select Workflow, and click OK. You will be taken to the configuration screen for the flow.
The most important part here is the Script textarea, where your flow script will be defined. (Later we will learn about other options.) Let us start with a trivial script:
echo 'hello from Workflow'
Also you should click the Use Groovy Sandbox option if you are not a Jenkins administrator (read here if you are curious what this means).
Save your workflow when you are done.
Click Build Now to run it.
You should see #1
under Build History; click the ▾ and select Console Output to see the output:
Started by user anonymous
Running: Print Message
hello from Workflow
Running: End of Workflow
Finished: SUCCESS
A workflow is a Groovy script which tells Jenkins what to do when your flow is run. If you are not familiar with Groovy, it is a scripting-friendly language related to Java (documentation). You do not need to know much general Groovy to use Workflow; relevant bits of syntax will be introduced as needed.
For this example, it suffices to know that echo
is a step: a function defined in a Jenkins plugin and made available to all workflows.
Groovy functions can use a C/Java-like syntax:
echo("hello from Workflow");
but you can also drop the semicolon (;
), drop the parentheses ((
and )
), and use single quotes ('
) instead of double ("
) if you do not need to perform variable substitutions.
Comments in Groovy, like in Java, can use single-line or multiline styles:
* Copyright 2014 Yoyodyne, Inc.
// FIXME write this flow
So now let us do something useful, but no more complex than what you could do with a freestyle project.
First, make sure a Maven installation is available to do builds with. Go to Jenkins » Manage Jenkins » Configure System, click Add Maven, give it the name M3 and let it be installed automatically.
Also if you do not have Git installed on your Jenkins server, try clicking Delete Git on the default Git installation, and Add Git » JGit to replace it.
Finally Save.
Now click on your flow and Configure it to edit its script.
node {
git url: ''
def mvnHome = tool 'M3'
sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn -B verify"
If you run this script, it should check out a Git repository and run Maven to build it.
Some tests will be run, which might (at random) pass or fail or be skipped.
If they fail, the mvn
command will fail and your flow run will end with
ERROR: script returned exit code 1
Finished: FAILURE
The instructions in this tutorial assume Jenkins is running on Linux or another Unix-like operating system.
If your Jenkins server (or, later, slave) are running on Windows, try using bat
in place of sh
, and use backslashes as the file separator where needed.
(Backslashes do generally need to be escaped inside strings.)
For example, rather than
sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn -B verify"
you could use
bat "${mvnHome}\\bin\\mvn -B verify"
is a step which schedules a task to run by adding it to the Jenkins build queue.
As soon as an executor slot is available on some node (the Jenkins master, or a slave), the task is run on that node.
also allocates a workspace (file directory) on that node for the duration of the task (more on this later).
Groovy functions can accept closures (blocks of code), and some steps expect a block.
In this case the code between the braces ({
and }
) is the body of the node
Many steps (like git
and sh
in this example) can only run in the context of a node, so trying to run just
sh 'echo oops'
as a flow script will not work: Jenkins does not know what system to run commands on.
Unlike user-defined functions, workflow steps always take named parameters. So
git url: ''
is passing one parameter, named url
(the Git source code repository to check out).
This parameter happens to be mandatory; it also takes some other optional parameters such as branch
You can pass as many as you need:
git url: '', branch: 'master'
As before, Groovy lets you omit parentheses around function arguments.
The named-parameter syntax is also a shorthand for creating a map, which in Groovy uses the syntax [key1: value1, key2: value2]
, so you could also write:
git([url: '', branch: 'master'])
For convenience, when calling steps taking only one parameter (or only one mandatory parameter) you can omit the parameter name; so
sh 'echo hello'
is really shorthand for
sh([script: 'echo hello'])
The tool
step makes sure a tool with the given name (in this case, a specific version of the Maven build tool) is installed on the current node.
But merely running this step does not do much good; the script needs to know where it was installed, so the tool can be run later.
For this, we need a variable.
The def
keywork in Groovy is the quickest way to define a new variable (with no specific type). So
def mvnHome = tool 'M3'
makes sure M3
is installed somewhere accessible to Jenkins, and assigns the return value of the step (an installation path) to the mvnHome
We could also use a more Java-like syntax with a static type:
String mvnHome = tool("M3");
Finally, we want to run our Maven build. When Groovy encounters $
inside a double-quoted string
"${mvnHome}/bin/mvn -B verify"
it replaces the ${mvnHome}
part with the value of that expression (here, just the variable value).
The more verbose Java-like syntax would be
mvnHome + "/bin/mvn -B verify"
In the console output you will see the final command being run, for example
[flow] Running shell script
+ /path/to/jenkins/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/M3/bin/mvn -B verify
Another way to use tools by default is to add them to your executable path, by using the special variable env
defined for all workflows:
node {
git url: ''
def mvnHome = tool 'M3'
env.PATH = "${mvnHome}/bin:${env.PATH}"
sh 'mvn -B verify'
Properties of this variable will be environment variables on the current node.
You can also override certain environment variables, and the overrides will be seen by subsequent sh
steps (or anything else that pays attention to environment variables).
This is convenient because now we can run mvn
without a fully-qualified path.
Setting a variable like PATH
in this way is of course only safe if you are using a single slave for this build, so we will not do so below.
As an alternative you can use the withEnv
step to set a variable within a scope:
node {
git url: ''
withEnv(["PATH+MAVEN=${tool 'M3'}/bin"]) {
sh 'mvn -B verify'
Some environment variables are defined by Jenkins by default, as for freestyle builds.
For example, env.BUILD_TAG
can be used to get a tag like jenkins-projname-1
from Groovy code, or $BUILD_TAG
can be used from a sh
See the help in the Snippet Generator for the withEnv
step for more details on this topic.
If you have configured your workflow to accept parameters when it is built (Build with Parameters), these will be accessible as Groovy variables of the same name.
Rather than failing the build if there are some test failures, we would like Jenkins to record them, but then proceed. We would also like to capture the JAR that we built.
node {
git url: ''
def mvnHome = tool 'M3'
sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn -B -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore verify"
step([$class: 'ArtifactArchiver', artifacts: '**/target/*.jar', fingerprint: true])
step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'])
Now if tests fail, the flow will just be marked unstable (yellow ball), and you can browse the Test Result Trend to see the history. You should also see Last Successful Artifacts on the flow index page.
is a Maven option to allow the mvn
command to exit normally (status 0), so that the flow continues, even when some test failures are recorded on disk.
Next we run the step
step twice.
This step just allows you to use certain build (or post-build) steps already defined in Jenkins for use in traditional projects.
It takes one parameter (called delegate
but omitted here), whose value is a standard Jenkins build step.
We could create the delegate using Java constructor/method calls, using Groovy or Java syntax:
def aa = new hudson.tasks.ArtifactArchiver('**/target/*.jar')
aa.fingerprint = true // i.e., aa.setFingerprint(true)
step aa
but this is cumbersome and does not work well with Groovy sandbox security, so any object-valued argument to a step may instead be given as a map. Here
[$class: 'ArtifactArchiver', artifacts: '**/target/*.jar', fingerprint: true]
specifies the values of the artifacts
and fingerprint
properties (controlling what files to save, and whether to also record fingerprints for them).
is used to pick the kind of object to create.
It may be a fully-qualified class name (hudson.tasks.ArtifactArchiver
), but the simple name may be used when unambiguous.
In some cases part of a step configuration will force an object at a certain point to be of a fixed class, so $class
can be omitted entirely.
For example, rather than using the simple git
step, you can use the more general checkout
step and specify any complex configuration supported by the Git plugin:
checkout scm: [$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: '']]]
Here [[name: '*/master']]
is an array with one map element, [name: '*/master']
, which is an object of type hudson.plugins.git.BranchSpec
, but we can omit $class: 'BranchSpec'
since branches
can only hold this kind of object.
Similarly, the elements of userRemoteConfigs
are declared to be of type UserRemoteConfig
, so this need not be mentioned.
So far our workflow has run only on the Jenkins master, assuming you had no slaves configured.
You can even force it to run on the master by telling the node
step this:
node('master') {
// as before
(Here we are passing a value for the optional label
parameter of the step, as well as a body block.)
To create a simple slave, select Manage Jenkins » Manage Nodes » New Node and create a Dumb Slave.
Leave # of executors as 1.
Pick some Remote root directory such as /tmp/slave
Type remote
in the Labels field and set the Launch method to Launch slave agents via Java Web Start.
Save, then click on the new slave and Launch.
Now go back to your flow definition and request this slave’s label:
node('remote') {
// as before
The parameter may be a slave name, or a single label, or even a label expression such as:
node('unix && 64bit') {
// as before
When you Build Now you should see
Running on <yourslavename> in /<slaveroot>/workspace/<flowname>
and the M3
Maven installation being unpacked to this slave root.
Let us pause the script so we can take a better look at what is happening.
node('remote') {
input 'Ready to go?'
// rest as before
The input
step pauses flow execution.
Its default message
parameter gives a prompt which will be shown to a human.
(You can optionally request information back, hence the name of the step.)
When you run a new build, you should see
Running: Input
Ready to go?
Proceed or Abort
If you click Proceed the build will proceed as before. But first go to the Jenkins main page and look at the Build Executor Status widget. You will see an unnumbered entry under master called something like flowname #10; executors #1 and #2 on the master will be idle. You will also see an entry under your slave, in a numbered row (probably #1) called Building part of flowname #10.
Why are there two executors consumed by one flow build? Every flow build itself runs on the master, using a flyweight executor: an uncounted slot that is assumed to not take any significant computational power. This executor represents the actual Groovy script, which almost all of the time is idle, waiting for a step to complete. Flyweight executors are always available.
When you run a node
step, a regular heavyweight executor is allocated on a node (usually a slave) matching the label expression, as soon as one is available.
This executor represents the real work being done on the node.
If you start a second build of the flow while the first is still paused with the one available executor, you will see both flow builds running on master.
But only the first will have grabbed the one available executor on the slave; the other part of flowname #11 will be shown in Build Queue (1).
(After a moment the console log for the second build will note that it is still waiting for an available executor.)
To finish up, click the ▾ beside either executor entry for any running flow and select Paused for Input, then click Proceed. (You can also click the link in the console output.)
Besides waiting to allocate an executor on a node, the node
step also automatically allocates a workspace: a directory specific to this job where you can check out sources, run commands, and do other work.
Workspaces are locked for the duration of the step: only one build at a time can use a given workspace.
So if multiple builds need a workspace on the same node, additional workspaces will be allocated.
Configure your slave, and set # of executors to 2 (and Save). Now start your build twice in a row. The log for the second build will show
Running on <yourslavename> in /<slaveroot>/workspace/<flowname>@2
The @2
shows that the build used a separate workspace from the first one, with which it ran concurrently.
You should also have seen
Cloning the remote Git repository
since this new workspace required a new copy of the project sources.
You can also use the ws
step to explicitly ask for another workspace on the current slave, without grabbing a new executor slot.
Inside its body all commands run in the second workspace.
The dir
step can be used to run a block with a different working directory (typically a subdirectory of the workspace) without allocating a new workspace.
Your Groovy script can include functions, conditional tests, loops, try
blocks, and so on.
Save this flow definition:
node('remote') {
git url: ''
def v = version()
if (v) {
echo "Building version ${v}"
def mvnHome = tool 'M3'
sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn -B -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore verify"
step([$class: 'ArtifactArchiver', artifacts: '**/target/*.jar', fingerprint: true])
step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'])
def version() {
def matcher = readFile('pom.xml') =~ '<version>(.+)</version>'
matcher ? matcher[0][1] : null
Here we are using the def
keyword to define a function (you can also give a Java type in place of def
, to make it look more like a Java method).
is Groovy syntax to match text against a regular expression; [0]
looks up the first match, and [1]
the first (…)
group within that match.
The readFile
step loads a text file from the workspace and returns its content.
(Do not try to use
methods, because these will refer to files on the master where Jenkins is running, not in the current workspace.)
There is also a writeFile
step to save content to a text file in the workspace, and a fileExists
step to check whether a file exists without loading it.
When you run the flow you should see
Building version 1.0-SNAPSHOT
(Unless your Script Security plugin is version 1.11 or higher, you may see a RejectedAccessException
error at this point.
If so, a Jenkins administrator will need to go to Manage Jenkins » In-process Script Approval and Approve staticMethod org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter findRegex java.lang.Object java.lang.Object
Then try running your script again and it should work.)
If you tried inlining the version
function as follows
node('remote') {
git url: ''
def matcher = readFile('pom.xml') =~ '<version>(.+)</version>'
if (matcher) {
echo "Building version ${matcher[0][1]}"
def mvnHome = tool 'M3'
sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn -B -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore verify"
step([$class: 'ArtifactArchiver', artifacts: '**/target/*.jar', fingerprint: true])
step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'])
you would have noticed a problem: java.util.regex.Matcher
This occurs because the matcher
local variable is of a type (Matcher
) not considered serializable by Java.
Since workflows must survive Jenkins restarts, the state of the running program is periodically saved to disk so it can be resumed later.
(Saves occur after every step, or in the middle of some steps like sh
The “state” includes the whole control flow, including local variables, positions in loops, and so on.
Therefore any variable values used in your program should be numbers, strings, or other serializable types, not “live” objects such as network connections.
If you must use a nonserializable value temporarily, discard it before doing anything else. When we kept the matcher only as a local variable inside a function, it was automatically discarded as soon as the function returned. You can also explicitly discard a reference when you are done with it:
node('remote') {
git url: ''
def matcher = readFile('pom.xml') =~ '<version>(.+)</version>'
if (matcher) {
echo "Building version ${matcher[0][1]}"
matcher = null
def mvnHome = tool 'M3'
sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn -B -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore verify"
step([$class: 'ArtifactArchiver', artifacts: '**/target/*.jar', fingerprint: true])
step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'])
Workflows can use a parallel
step to perform multiple actions at once.
This special step takes a map as its argument; keys are “branch names” (labels for your own benefit), and values are blocks to run.
To see how this can be useful, let us install a new plugin, Parallel Test Executor (version 1.6 or later). This plugin includes a workflow step that lets you split apart slow test runs. Also make sure the JUnit plugin is at least version 1.3.
Now create a new workflow with the following script:
node('remote') {
git url: ''
archive 'pom.xml, src/'
def splits = splitTests([$class: 'CountDrivenParallelism', size: 2])
def branches = [:]
for (int i = 0; i < splits.size(); i++) {
def exclusions = splits.get(i);
branches["split${i}"] = {
node('remote') {
sh 'rm -rf *'
unarchive mapping: ['pom.xml' : '.', 'src/' : '.']
writeFile file: 'exclusions.txt', text: exclusions.join("\n")
sh "${tool 'M3'}/bin/mvn -B -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore test"
step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: 'target/surefire-reports/*.xml'])
parallel branches
(Note: to enable the Groovy sandbox on this script, be sure to update the Script Security plugin to version 1.11 or later.
Even so, you may see a RejectedAccessException
error at this point.
If so, a Jenkins administrator will need to go to Manage Jenkins » In-process Script Approval and Approve staticMethod org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter compareLessThan java.lang.Object java.lang.Object
Then try running your script again and it should work.
A later version of the plugin may remove the need for this workaround.)
When you run this flow for the first time, it will check out a project and run all of its tests in sequence.
The second time and subsequent times you run it, the splitTests
task will partition your tests into two sets of roughly equal runtime.
The rest of the flow then runs these in parallel, so if you look at trend (in the Build History widget) you will see the second and subsequent builds taking roughly half the time of the first.
(If you only have the one slave configured with its two executors this would not really save any time, but you may have multiple slaves on different hardware matching the same label expression.)
This script is more complex than the previous ones so it bears some examination.
We start by grabbing a slave, checking out sources, and making a copy of them using the archive
archive 'pom.xml, src/'
is shorthand for the more general
step([$class: 'ArtifactArchiver', artifacts: 'pom.xml, src/'])
Later we will unarchive
these same files back into other workspaces.
We could have just run git
anew in each slave’s workspace, but this would result in duplicated changelog entries, as well as contacting the Git server twice.
(A flow build is permitted to run as many SCM checkouts as it needs to, which is useful for projects working with multiple repositories, but not what we want here.)
More seriously, if someone pushed a new Git commit at just the wrong time, you might be testing different sources in some branches, which is prevented when we do the checkout just once and distribute sources to slaves ourselves.
returns a list of lists of strings.
From each (list) entry we construct one branch to run; the label (map key) is akin to a thread name, and will appear in the build log.
The Maven project is set up to expect a file exclusions.txt
at its root, and it will run all tests not mentioned there, which we set up via the writeFile
When we run the parallel
step, each branch is started at the same time, and the overall step completes when all the branches finish: “fork & join”.
There are several new ideas at work here.
First of all, you can see that a single flow build allocates several executors, potentially on different slaves, at the same time.
(You can see these starting and finishing in the Jenkins executor widget on the main screen.)
Each call to node
gets its own workspace.
This kind of flexibility is impossible in a freestyle project, each build of which is tied to exactly one workspace.
(The Parallel Test Executor plugin works around that for its freestyle build step by triggering multiple builds of the project, making the history hard to follow.)
Note also that we run tool
inside each branch, rather than at top level, since Maven might be installed in a different place on each slave.
We would not want to use env
in this case
env.PATH = "${mvnHome}/bin:${env.PATH}"
since environment variable overrides are currently limited to being global to a workflow run, not local to the current thread (and thus slave).
You could however use the withEnv
step as noted above.
You may also have noticed that we are running JUnitResultArchiver
several times, something that is not possible in a freestyle project.
The test results recorded in the build are cumulative.
When you view the log for a build with multiple branches, the output from each will be intermixed.
It can be useful to click on the Running Steps link on the build’s sidebar.
This will display a tree-table view of all the steps run so far in the build, grouped by logical block, for example parallel
You can click on individual steps and get more details, such as the log output for that step in isolation, the workspace associated with a node
step, and so on.
By default, flow builds can run concurrently.
The stage
command lets you mark certain sections of a build as being constrained by limited concurrency (or, later, unconstrained).
Newer builds are always given priority when entering such a throttled stage; older builds will simply exit early if they are preëmpted.
A concurrency of one is useful to let you lock a singleton resource, such as deployment to a single target server. Only one build will deploy at a given time: the newest which passed all previous stages.
A finite concurrency ≥1 can also be used to prevent slow build stages such as integration tests from overloading the system. Every SCM push can still trigger a separate build of a quicker earlier stage as compilation and unit tests. Yet each build runs linearly and can even retain a single workspace, avoiding the need to identify and copy artifacts between builds. (Even if you dispose of a workspace from an earlier stage, you can retain information about it using simple local variables.)
Consult the Docker demo for an example of a flow using multiple stage
Complex flows would be cumbersome to write and maintain in the textarea provided in the Jenkins job configuration. Therefore it makes sense to load the program from another source, one that you can maintain using version control and standalone Groovy editors.
The easiest way to do this is to select Groovy CPS DSL from SCM when defining the workflow. In that case you do not enter any Groovy code in the Jenkins UI; you just indicate where in source code you want to retrieve the program. (If you update this repository, a new build will be triggered, so long as your job is configured with an SCM polling trigger.)
For some cases you may prefer to explicitly load Groovy script text from some source.
The standard Groovy evaluate
function can be used, but most likely you will want to load a flow definition from a workspace.
For this purpose you can use the load
step, which takes a filename in the workspace and runs it as Groovy source text.
The loaded file can either contain statements at top level, which are run immediately; or it can define functions and return this
, in which case the result of the load
step can be used to invoke those functions like methods.
An older version of the Docker demo showed this technique in practice:
def flow
node('slave') {
git url: '…'
flow = load 'flow.groovy'
where flow.groovy defines devQAStaging
and production
functions (among others) before ending with
return this;
The subtle part here is that we actually have to do a bit of work with the node
and git
steps just to check out a workspace so that we can load
In this case devQAStaging
runs on the same node as the main source code checkout, while production
runs outside of that block (and in fact allocates a different node).
Injection of function and class names into a flow before it runs is handled by plugins, and one is bundled with workflow that allows you to get rid of the above boilerplate and keep the whole script (except one “bootstrap” line) in a Git server hosted by Jenkins. A separate document has details on this system.
There are a number of workflow steps not discussed in this document, and plugins can add more. Even steps discussed here can take various special options that can be added from release to release. To make it possible to browse all available steps and their syntax, a help tool is built into the flow definition screen.
Click Snippet Generator beneath your script textarea.
You should see a list of installed steps.
Some will have a help icon () at the top which you can click to see general information.
There will also be UI controls to help you configure the step, in some cases with auto completion and other features found in Jenkins configuration screens.
(Again look for help icons on these.)
When you are done, click Generate Groovy to see a Groovy snippet that would run the step exactly as you have configured it. This lets you see the function name used for the step, and the names of any parameters it takes (if not a default parameter), and their syntax. You can copy and paste the generated code right into your flow, or use it as a starting point (perhaps trimming some unnecessary optional parameters).