This is the open-source version of
icgrep 1.x
icgrep is a very fast regular expression search program, particularly for complex regular expressions. It is also a very capable engine, supporting most common regular expression syntax and many useful command line options.
icgrep 1.0
is designed to offer substantial Unicode support, meeting all the Unicode Level 1 requirements of UTS #18, the Unicode Technical Standard for regular expressions. Development of icgrep 2.0
is on track to meet the Unicode level 2 requirements of UTS #18.
Normal usage to find lines in a file f
matching a regular expression r
icgrep r f
To produce a count of matching lines only, use the flag -c
such as below:
icgrep -c r f
To read the regular expression to be matched from file regexpf
use the flag -f
such as below:
icgrep -f regexpf f
is one of the tools available on Parabix
. Check the file for more information.
LLVM files are governed by the LLVM Release License in LLVM-LICENSE.txt. icgrep
is governed by Open Software License 3.0 in OSL-3.0.txt.