The Math.NET project is a community effort. We accept contributions and pull requests, so why don't you join us as well? This page only lists actual code contributors for practical reasons, but any contributions like submitting issues or helping the community are just as valuable.
- Christoph Rüegg: @cdrnet
- Jurgen Van Gael: @jvangael
ordered by #commits, then alphabetically
- Christoph Rüegg (cdrnet)
- Marcus Cuda
- Jurgen Van Gael
- Alexander Karatarakis (Danimoth)
- Gustavo Guerra
- Thomas Ibel (tibel)
- Hani Medhat
- manyue
- Andriy Bratiychuk (Abratiychuk)
- Artyom Baranovskiy
- Phil Cleveland (Phil)
- Scott Stephens
- Patrick van der Valde
- Anders Gustafsson (cureos)
- Andrew Kazyrevich
- Iain McDonald (lifebeyondfife)
- Candy Chiu
- Gauthier Segay
- Gregor959
- IUser
- Iain Sproat
- Kosei ABE (kos59125)
- Till Hoffmann
- Tomas Petricek
- VicPara
- bstrausser
- nyuriks
- seahearman
- Marcus Cuda
- Jurgen Van Gael
- Patrick van der Valde
- Christoph Rüegg
- Joannès Vermorel
- Matthew Kitchin
- Rana Ian
- Andrew Kurochka
- Thaddaeus Parker
- John Maddock
- Stephen L. Moshier