Thank you for considering contributing to {{ $dist }}. This file contains instructions that will help you work with the source code.
The two main branches of this repository are:
- master
The main development branch. This branch has to be processed by Dist::Zilla to generate the code as it will appear in the CPAN distribution. See the next section for more details.
- releases
Contains the code as it appears on CPAN. Each official release is also tagged with its version.
The distribution is managed with Dist::Zilla. This means than many of the usual files you might expect are not in the repository, but are generated at release time.
However, you can run tests directly using the 'prove' tool:
$ prove -l
$ prove -lv t/some_test_file.t
$ prove -lvr t/
In most cases, 'prove' is entirely sufficient for you to test any patches you have.
You may need to satisfy some dependencies. The easiest way to satisfy dependencies is to install the last release -- this is available at{{ $dist }}.
If you use cpanminus, you can do it without downloading the tarball first:
$ cpanm --reinstall --installdeps --with-recommends {{ $dist =~ s/-/::/gr }}
Dist::Zilla is a very powerful authoring tool, but requires a number of author-specific plugins. If you would like to use it for contributing, install it from CPAN, then run one of the following commands, depending on your CPAN client:
$ cpan `dzil authordeps --missing`
$ dzil authordeps --missing | cpanm
You should then also install any additional requirements not needed by the dzil build but may be needed by tests or other development:
# cpan `dzil listdeps --author --missing`
$ dzil listdeps --author --missing | cpanm
You can also do this via cpanm directly:
$ cpanm --reinstall --installdeps --with-develop --with-recommends {{ $dist =~ s/-/::/gr }}
Once installed, here are some dzil commands you might try:
$ dzil build
$ dzil test
$ dzil test --release
$ dzil xtest
$ dzil listdeps --json
$ dzil build --notgz
Actually, yes there is. You can also work directly on the releases
which corresponds to the code is generated by Dist::Zilla and
correspond to what is uploaded to CPAN.
It won't contain any of the changes brought to the codebase since the last CPAN release, but for a small patch that shouldn't be a problem.
The code for this distribution is hosted on GitHub.
You can submit bug reports via the repository's issue track.
You can also submit code changes by forking the repository, pushing your code changes to your clone, and then submitting a pull request. Detailed instructions for doing that is available here: