All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
0.3.1 - 2021-09-21
- Log errors to stderr, to get a better graps of what's going on
- Send webpack environment to loaded presets
0.3.0 - 2021-09-19
- repository name
- README syntax errors
0.2.0 - 2021-05-12
- UsesapplyPresets
to load webpack configuration files. It also defines default applyPresets which can be loaded regarledess of environment options
0.2.0-alpha.1 - 2021-05-04
- Load a series of webpack configuration presets using webpack environment variables. Consist of predefined configs which can be used for separation of concerns or for rapid tests. read moreload-environment
- Load webpack environment. You can use for define environment specific configuration. Common environments can be development, production, debug, test and so onloader
- Loads webpackc onfiguration file given it a path and environment object