All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See commit-and-tag-version for commit guidelines.
3.0.1 (2024-07-09)
3.0.0 (2024-02-05)
3.0.0-alpha.3 (2023-02-27)
- add title for gui.addStats (68e7f5f)
3.0.0-alpha.2 (2022-09-09)
- don't assume pixel ratio from pex-context (b8a6d9f)
- make gui render at the size regardless of the canvas size or pixel ratio unless it overflows the canvas viewport (17eab56)
3.0.0-alpha.1 (2022-07-26)
3.0.0-alpha.0 (2022-07-26)
- add missing GUIControl.setPosition (b9bf584)
- allow hardcoded GUIControl position x/y (278c787)
- handle nullish options in addParam (fbb6599)
- use ES modules (ca261fa)
- add flipY option for 2D textures (368dabb), closes #38
- allow gui.pixelRatio to be updated (e9169db)
- allow scale and responsive as options (e27ca9c)
- move to pointer events (e64c6d1)
- update pex-color to latest api (9faa62a)
- switch to type module