All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support for Play 3.0.x with Apache Pekko thanks to @MathisGuillet1 and @mkurz
Play Silhouette is now under the Playframework organisation.
- Scala 3, Play 2.9.x compatibility thanks to @ahjohannessen and @MathisGuillet1
- Commit information to discord bot snapshot message from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Commit and version information to discord bot production release message from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Package names has been changed from
- Version to v9.0.0-SNAPSHOT for breaking change release from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- JodaTime replaced with Java Date API from Rocketeer007.
- JWT provider from
to permit the use of signing algorithms other than HS256 from @honeycomb-cheesecake. - Disable build failure on dependencies not being up-to-date
- JodaTime dependency from Rocketeer007.
- sbt-sonatype configuration so that
points to correct location (
) due to legacy host (
) is used by default which failed production release from @honeycomb-cheesecake. - sbt-sonatype configuration so that production
points to local staging repository from @honeycomb-cheesecake. - scala.yml release pipeline so that
is run prior to+sonatypeBundleRelease
from @honeycomb-cheesecake. - Corrected v8.0.1 by adding version information from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Corrected v8.0.0 by correcting date from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Updated scala.yml pipeline dynamic sonatype.sbt file to use environment variables rather than file from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Upgrading Play framework version to 2.8.16 to prevent CVE-2022-31023 from @ndeverge.
- deploy-production-artifact GitHub Action workflow from startsWith(github.ref, 'ref/tags/v') to startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/v') from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Discord messages for pipeline runs from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Snapshot releases not executed on tagged artifacts as the sbt-sonatype plugin will just attempt to release a production version from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Code warnings from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Tranche of scapegoat results from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Sbt release plugin to facilitate project releases from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Scapegoat stage to release process and github actions from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Dependency check stage to release process and github actions from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Dependency updates stage where build will fail with updates to release process and github actions from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Coveralls integration back into github actions from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Publishing step to github action for CI from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Create GitHub release step for tagged versions from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Publishing environment variables for CI deployment from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Import of GPG key step to github action for CI from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Disabled line for cross-build with scala 3 when supported by play from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Coveralls badge to from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Discord badge to from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Updated dependencies to latest from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Project build definitions from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Package definition from to from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Split github actions into build and test phases from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Pull request template so it points to the honeycomb-cheesecake repository from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Support for cross-building with scala 2.12 series as is now in maintenance mode and getting ready for scala 3 integration from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Fixed LinkedInProfileParser throwing error when user has no image set from @hpolkowski.
- Upgrading Play framework version to 2.8.15 from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Upgrading Play framework version to 2.8.14 from @ndeverge.
- Removing the
for JWT API from @ndeverge.
- Updated Atlassian JWT dependencies to address CVE-2021-27568 from @lenin122
- Upgrading Play framework version to 2.8.13 from @ndeverge.
- Commit steps to from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Snapshot management to from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Spacing to v7.0.1 sections from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Play framework version to 2.8.11 (note that Play 2.8.10 introduces a binary incompatibility by updating scala-java8-compat as pointed out by @zmerr) from @ndeverge.
- Updated Atlassian JWT dependencies to address CVE-2019-17195 from @dspasojevic.
- Upgrading to Play 2.8.8 to address CVE-2020-12480 from @ndeverge.
- Explicit Sonatype repository publishing links for each silhouette module build.sbt file to adhere to changes outlined by Sonatype from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Migration from TravisCI to GitHub script from @ndeverge.
- Cross compilation on CI from @ndeverge.
- Notes on running startup scripts with sbt v1.5.x from @ndeverge.
- Argon2 password hasher from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Argon2 password hasher tests from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- v7.0.0 release notes to from @ndeverge.
- outline to explain how libraries are release from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Installation information to from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- to Keep a Changelog format for new releases from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- to have up to date information and links from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Maven publishing information from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Version to 7.0.1-SNAPSHOT from @honeycomb-cheesecake.
- Update to Play 2.8.1
- Update to Play 2.7.3
- Add support for Scala 2.13
- Update to Play 2.7
- Update to Play 2.6
- Handling of OAuth2 based user state with the help of the new social state handler implementation (thanks to @Saheb)
- Implement BCryptSha256PasswordHasher to avoid password truncating issue
- Better error messages for OAuth2 based errors
- Remove Clef support
- Update to Play 2.5
- Removed Play Messages instance from Event, Authorization and ErrorHandler types. The I18nSupport trait should be used instead, to get the Messages instance for the current request
- Rewrite Silhouette trait to provide injectable actions (this is now the default method from Play 2.5 on)
- Every SecuredAction can now override the global(default injected) error handler if needed
- A controller is not bound to a single Authenticator anymore
- Remove SecuredErrorHandler in favour of injectable error handler
- Pass the auth info to the profile parsers to easier query additional data from the provider API
- Add UnsecuredRequestHandler and UnsecuredAction
- Dropped Scala 2.10 support
- Projects separated
- silhouette-password-bcrypt -> contains BCrypt password hasher
- silhouette-persistence -> contains base implementations for the persistence layer
- silhouette-persistence-memory -> in-memory implementation of the persistence layer
- Use request extractors to find authenticator values in other parts of the request
- Fix overriding settings method for Providers (thanks @felipefzdz)
- Allow to override the API URL in the OAuth1 and OAuth2 providers
- Allow to override authentication provider constants
- Support for Auth0 authentication provider (thanks @lucamilanesio)
- Support for Gitlab authentication provider (thanks @ThmX)
- Support for CAS authentication provider (thanks @SBSMMO)
- Issue #435: copy customClaims when renewing JWTToken (thanks @mizerlou)
- Define meaningful interface for password re-hashing (thanks @alexmojaki)
- Play Framework independent crypto implementation
- Update to Play 2.4
- Stateless and non-stateless CookieAuthenticator
- Allow to customize the Gravatar service
- Use scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration instead of Int for duration based values
- A lot of API enhancements
- Use lazy val to initialize SecureRandom, so that initialization occurs also async
- Refactor authenticators and add BearerTokenAuthenticator, JWTAuthenticator, SessionAuthenticator and DummyAuthenticator
- Better error handling for authenticators
- Authenticators now using an extra backing store instead of only the cache
- Split up SocialProvider.authenticate method into authenticate and retrieveProfile methods
- Remove authInfo from SocialProfile
- Add OAuth1 token secret implementation
- Add OAuth2 state implementation
- Documentation is now included in the repository and hosted on Read The Docs
- Renamed packages "core" to "api", "contrib" to "impl", "utils" to "util"
- Reorganized the project structure (moved all providers into the "impl" package, moved some classes/traits)
- Add request handlers
- Add request providers in combination with HTTP basic auth provider
- Add Dropbox provider
- Add Clef provider
- Add request extractors
- Better social profile builder implementation
- Add OpenID providers Steam and Yahoo
- Better error handling
- First release for Play 2.3
- First release for Play 2.2