gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
curl -sSL | bash -s stable
rvm install ruby-3.1
Note: If you are using a Apple Silicon M1 device, you may need execute the following command after installing Ruby:
brew install [email protected]
sudo ln -s $(brew --prefix [email protected])/lib/libcrypto.dylib /usr/local/lib/
sudo ln -s $(brew --prefix [email protected])/lib/libssl.dylib /usr/local/lib
We high recommended using volta to manage your nodejs environment.
Volta better than nvm because it could automatically detect the Node.js version required by our project.
curl | bash
volta install node@18
Rust is a required dependency for building some native gems. And, rustup is a recommended way to install rust toolchain.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Sure you can use any other editor/IDE you like, but we highly recommend VSCode for a better out-of-the-box experience.
We provide an out-of-box workspace file for VSCode, which contains all the necessary settings to work with this monorepo. We recommend you open this monorepo by File
menu -> Open Workspace from File
-> select mashcard.code-workspace
file in the repo root.
TIPS: you can run
yarn dev-support run-dev-deps
to quickly start a local database with docker-compose. See This configure for more details.
PostgreSQL 14+ is the only supported RDS.
We highly recommend run postgres on docker in development environment.
docker run -d --name testdb -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=local-test -p 5432:5432 postgres:alpine
Also, Redis is what we use for caching.
docker run -d --name redis -p 6379:6379 redis:alpine
Some plugins require external dependencies such as api keys, credentials, etc. Your could edit dotenv file to add those dependencies.
- Run
yarn install && yarn server i
to install all dependencies and build rust native extensions for server. - Run
yarn server g dotenv
to initialize the dotenv file. - Run
yarn server db:create && yarn server db:migrate
to updates your database using migrations. - Run
yarn web start
&&yarn server start
to start the development server. - Visit
, and you should now see the login page.
- To lint your code, run
yarn lint
- To run unit tests:
yarn test:jest && yarn test:rspec
- To run frond end E2E tests:
yarn test:playwright
yarn commit # Instead of `git commit`, equivalent to `git add . && git-cz`
yarn lint # Lint code with eslint and run typescript check
yarn lint:fix # Run eslint --fix
yarn lint:type # Run TypeScript checking only
yarn cleanup # Clean up all the building artifacts / intermediates
# Generate GraphQL schema and run graphql-codegen
yarn server dump:graphql
yarn web generate:graphql
# Monolith Server
yarn server s # rails server
yarn server c # rails console
yarn server db:{create | migrate | drop} # Create or drop database
yarn server i # equivalent to `bundle install && rake rust:build`
yarn server g # equivalent to `rails generate`
yarn test:rspec # Run rspec tests
yarn lint:rubocop # Run rubocop
yarn lint:fix # Run rubocop --auto-correct
yarn lint:brakeman # Run brakeman
yarn lint:clippy # Run clippy in rust
yarn fmt:rust # Run rust-fmt
yarn build:dev # Build rust native extensions in dev profile
yarn server bundle # Run bundle in any monorepo directory
yarn server rake # Run rake in any monorepo directory
# Other packages
yarn ${package-name} build
yarn ${package-name} test
yarn ${package-name} lint:eslint
yarn ${package-name} lint:type
yarn ${package-name} test:jest