description |
This page covers everything you need to know about choice based questions |
{% hint style="info" %} Choice based questions ask respondents to make a choice between one or more options {% endhint %}
Choice based question types are shown in the right hand column
Screenshot showing choice based questions
Single checkbox- Respondents can check a single box. Useful for asking respondents to give consent.
Checkbox group- Useful if you want respondnets to be able to select more than 1 option from a list of options.
Dropdown group- Allows respondents to select a single option from a list of options. Useful if the list of options is large and you don't want them all to be displayed initially.
Radio group- Like the dropdown group, it allows respondents to select a single option from a list of options. However the options are displayed on the screen. Useful if a small number of options is available.
{% hint style="info" %} The single checkbox provides a single option which Respondents can select or not {% endhint %}
The Question is edited as follows:
Screenshot showing the input options for a checkbox question
And appears to repondents as follows:
Screenshot showing how a checkbox question appears to survey respondents
{% hint style="info" %} The Checkbox group asks respondents to select from a range of options. More than 1 option can be selected {% endhint %}
Edit the question in the usual way and select 'options'
Screenshot showing a label and helper text being input for a checkbox group question
Under 'options' you can enter the options you want to be presented to respondents
Screenshot showing the options input feild for a checkbox group question
- You can decide whether you want the options to appear on their own line or side-by-side
- You can ask respondents to specify an answer if they select the 'other' option. You can also customise the prompt label that is presented by entering it into the 'specify other text label' field
- You can decide whether the option is exclusive or not. If an option is exclusive respondents will not be able to select other options if they have already selected an exclusive option. They can deselect an exclusive option and choose another option.
Checkbox groups question appear to respondents like this:
Screenshot showing how checkbox group questions appear to respondents.
The 'Validity' logic mode can be used to specify the exact number of checkbox options you require a respondent to select. See the guidance note 'Advanced form logic' for detailed instruction.
{% hint style="info" %} Dropdown is a closed-ended question that allows respondents to choose one answer choice from a list of choices presented in a dropdown menu {% endhint %}
The question label and opions are entered in a similar way to that for checkbox group questions.
The dropdown Question appears to Respondents like this:
Screenshot showing how dropdown questions appear to survey respondents
{% hint style="info" %} Radio Group questions operate in the same way as Checkbox group questions. However respondents can only select one option {% endhint %}
The radio group question appears to respondents like this:
Screenshot showing an an example of a radion group question
It is easy to alter the type of options question used without recreating the question. This short video shows you how this can be done.
{% embed url="" %} Short video showing you how to alter the type of option question used {% endembed %}