description |
This page covers everything you need to know about media based questions |
{% hint style="success" %} Media based questions invite respondents to upload media files, including pictures, audio and video {% endhint %}
There is only one Media based question which is the 'Upload' question shown in the right hand column
Screenshpt showing the 'upload' question
Give the question a label and add helper text if you would like
Screenshot showing the input feilds for a Upload question
The upload question looks like this to Respondents:
Screenshot showing how an Upload question is presented to respondents
Respondents can select 'Upload Files' and select a file stored on their own device.
They can also drag and drop files into the 'Drop files here' field.
{% hint style="success" %} Congratulations- you now know how to add an Upload question to your form {% endhint %}