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This note outlines the different ways that options can be defined and shared across multiple questions

Sharing options across multiple questions

{% hint style="info" %} Choice based questions such as 'checkbox group' and 'radio group' require response options to be defined. Usually the options will be specific to the question. However it can be helpful to share options across multiple questions. {% endhint %}

Step 1

There are 3 ways of defining options for choice based questions.

Screenshot showing 3 ways of defining options for choice based questions

Screenshot showing 3 ways of defining options for choice based questions

  1. Options list is defined per question. This is the default approach. Options are specific to the question. Options are created when the question is created.
  2. Options are shared between multiple questions. It is possible to share options between multiple questions within the same section. This guidance note shows how to do this.
  3. Options are defined remotely. This feature will enable options to be defined outside of the Accessible Survey platform and used anywhere in a form. It is currently under development.

Step 2

To share options between multiple questions within the same section, select the relevant section from the form structure and toggle on the 'advanced' button and go to the 'options' tab.

Screenshot showing how to create and new option group for a section

Screenshot showing how to create and new option group for a section

You will be able to 'create a new option group'. You willl also see all exisiting options groups that have been created for this section.

Step 3

If you 'create a new option group' you will be asked to give the option group a name. Choose a name that will make it easy to identify later.

Screenshot showing the creation of a new option group, named 'yes, no, maybe'

Step 4

Select 'create'. You will see the new options group appear in the grid.

Click on the downwards arrow beside the new options group to add your options.

Screenshot showing the new options group appearing in the grid.

Screenshot showing the new options group appearing in the grid

Step 5

Add option choices as usual.

Because you are in the 'advanced' mode there are some additional feilds which can be completed if required.

Screenshot showing how new options can be created

Screenshot showing how new options can be created

Step 6

The new options group appears on the grid with the number of option choices you have created indicated in brackets.

It is now available to be used in choice based questions throughout the section as shown in the video below.

{% hint style="info" %} Remember to activate the 'advanced' toggle in order to share options between multiple questions in a section {% endhint %}

{% embed url="" %} 20 second video showing how to select the options group for a choice based question. {% endembed %}