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This page tells you everything you need to know adding Sign Language to your form |
{% hint style="success" %} Forms adapt to the needs and preferences of respondents. Some Respondents may want questions to be presented in Sign Language {% endhint %}
First activate the 'International Sign' accessibility mode in the Form Behaviour page.
You will see an additional 'Sign Language' menu option appear under the 'Form Definition' menu
Selecting 'Sign Language' provides options to add sign langage videos to support questions. It also allows you to hide pages, sections or questions when the Sign Language mode is activated
By default the sign language icon is labelled 'International Sign'. However this can be altered if another sign language is being used.
The structure of the form is shown as a tree grid in the left hand column. Pages and sections can be expanded or collapsed
Visibility Modes can be applied to pages, sections or questions. This makes them visible to a specific audience only. By default no Visibility Mode is applied, meaning the page, section or question is visible to everyone.
Below is an example of a visbility mode being applied to a Section.
In this example Section 1 will be visible in standard mode. It will be hidden when either Sign Language or Easy Read modes are activated
{% hint style="info" %} If a Visibility Mode is applied high up in the tree grid structure, the Visibility Mode will automatically be applied to anything further down in the tree grid structure. For example changes applied at the Page level will impact everything below it {% endhint %}
Sign Language videos can be added to support questions. To do this your video must first be uploaded onto Youtube and marked 'public' under the video's visibility settings.
- Enter our Youtube video's unique 11 character video ID in the first feild
- The parameters feild allows you to customise some additional settings for your video such as branding and what happens when the video finishes. A 'modest branding' option is selected by default. A link is provided to some Youtube guidance if you want to custiomise this feild.
The video 'Thumbnail' which first appears when your form loads is determined by the settings in your Youtube account.
We recommend selecting a thumbnail where the first line of text is visible. Youtube suggests 3 screen shots of your video as thumbnail options. If you are fortunate, one of these might include your first line of text. If not you may have to take a screenshot where the first line of text is visible and upload this as a thumbnail.
As soon as you have added your Youtube video ID, it will appear under 'Video Preview'.
You can also go to 'Test' in the top menu to see how the video appears in the form itself. Remember you will have to activate the Sign Language accessibility mode in the top menu in order for the videos to be shown