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Next.js Prezly Theme Kit

Version License

This library is a collection of data-fetching functions, hooks and utility functions to abstract some of the under-the-hood logic used by Prezly newsrooms and help developers create themes with Next.js much faster with little boilerplate required.

The package is built with Typescript on top of Prezly SDK.

Adding the library to your Next.js theme


npm install --save @prezly/sdk @prezly/theme-kit-core @prezly/theme-kit-nextjs


This library depends on @prezly/theme-kit-core package, which contains more helpers that are not specific to Next, as well as @prezly/sdk, which provides the communication with Prezly API and typings. We will occasionally bump the minimum required SDK version to ensure compatibility with latest Prezly features.

This library is intended to be used with Next.js applications, so it also requires next, react and react-dom to work. These should already be installed if you have an existing Next.js app. If you're starting from scratch, use create-next-app to quick-start the project.

To keep things fresh, we require at least Next.js 12 and React 17.

You can also install the dependencies manually

npm install --save next react react-dom
npm install --save-dev @types/react @types/react-dom


Prezly themes use two ways of getting base environment variables:

  • Getting variables straight from .env file
  • Extracting variables from HTTP headers (when hosted on the Prezly infrastructure)

For local development, and for self-hosted themes, you can only use the former option. Add these variables to your .env file:

PREZLY_ACCESS_TOKEN=your access token

PREZLY_THEME_UUID variable is only reqiured for developing themes that are already hosted on Prezly infrastructure. It determines which theme preset will be pulled from the API. For self-hosted themes, you'll want to handle the theme settings in some other way.

If you don't have these credentials, you can use one of our testing newsrooms credentials.


In a base setup, you don't have to make any changes to your config. Depending on your use-case, you might need to make some additions to your base config.

withPrezlyConfig helper

You can add all of the necessary properties to your Next config with a single helper function. It adds the required i18n config, images config if you're using next/image to display images served from Prezly, and recommended security headers. Apart from several properties in i18n config, all of your existing config properties will be preserved and merged with our custom properties. You can control each of the config overrides with optional parameters object.

const withPrezlyConfig = require('@prezly/theme-kit-nextjs/config')(/* Optional parameters for PrezlyConfig */);

const config ={
    /* ...your next config... */

module.exports = withPrezlyConfig(config);

You can also add the properties manually if you want even more control over the config.

Usage with basePath setting

When using basePath setting in your next.config.js, wrapping your config with withPrezlyConfig will automatically populate NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_PATH env variable, which will be respected by Theme Kit helpers and hooks (like useInfiniteStoriesLoading). We also export getResolvedPath helper that can be used to resolve paths with respect to your basePath setting.

Using next/image to display images served from Prezly

We provide @prezly/uploadcare-image package to conveniently display images inside Prezly content, and this is the recommended way to display images in your theme. However, if you need to use the default next/image component, you will need to add our CDN url to image domains settings:

module.exports = {
    /* ...your next config... */
    images: {
        domains: [''],

Multi-language support

If you want to support multi-language in your theme, you'll need to make additional changes to the file:

const { DUMMY_DEFAULT_LOCALE } = require('@prezly/theme-kit-nextjs');
const locales = require('@prezly/theme-kit-nextjs/localeConfig');

module.exports = {
    /* ...your next config... */

    i18n: {
        // These are all the locales you want to support in
        // your application
        locales: [...locales, DUMMY_DEFAULT_LOCALE],
        // This is the default locale you want to be used when visiting
        // a non-locale prefixed path e.g. `/media`
        // We use Pseudo locale used for localization testing, to reliably determine if we need to fallback to the default newsroom language
        defaultLocale: DUMMY_DEFAULT_LOCALE,
        // Default locale detection is disabled, since the locales would be determined by Prezly API
        localeDetection: false,


In order to provide all the necessary data to the entire application, this library exports the NewsroomContextProvider component, which accepts props retrieved by our data-fetching methods (see next section). These props contain data that would be required to display common components like navigation, language picker, boilerplate, etc.

import { NewsroomContextProvider, PageProps } from '@prezly/theme-kit-nextjs';
import type { AppProps } from 'next/app';

type AnyPageProps = Record<string, any>;

function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps<AnyPageProps>) {
    const { newsroomContextProps, ...customPageProps } = pageProps as PageProps & AnyPageProps;

    // `newsroomContextProps` can be undefined, if there was error when fetching the newsroom props.
    // This can happen due to connection issues, or incorrect credentials in your .env file.
    // In this case, a 500 error page would be rendered, which shouldn't rely on the Newsroom Context (especially when statically generated).
    if(!newsroomContextProps) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-props-no-spreading
        return <Component {...customPageProps} />

    /* eslint-disable react/jsx-props-no-spreading */
    return (
        <NewsroomContextProvider {...newsroomContextProps}>
            <Component {...customPageProps} />
    /* eslint-enable react/jsx-props-no-spreading */

export default App;

Page files (Server-side rendering)

Every page requires a bit of boilerplate code to set up. Note that server-side code should be imported from @prezly/theme-kit-nextjs/server. That prevents the server code and dependencies from leaking into the client bundle.

import { getNewsroomServerSideProps, processRequest } from '@prezly/theme-kit-nextjs/server';
import type { GetServerSideProps } from 'next';
import type { FunctionComponent } from 'react';

interface Props {
    myProp: string;

const Page: FunctionComponent<Props> = ({ myProp }) => <p>{myProp}</p>;

export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps<Props> = async (context) => {
    const { api, serverSideProps } = await getNewsroomServerSideProps(context);

    /* Your logic to get additional props for this page  */

    return processRequest(
            myProp: 'My Custom Prop',

export default Page;

Page display component

const Page: FunctionComponent<Props> = ({ myProp }) => <p>{myProp}</p>;

Since all of the common data is loaded into the NewsroomContextProvider, you don't need to handle any of those in your display components. So the Page component should just handle rendering the provided data. You can still use context hooks to access the newsroom data.

Data fetching

const { api, serverSideProps } = await getNewsroomServerSideProps(context);

This function fetches all the required base props and exposes the ContentDelivery.Client instance, which you can use to fetch additional content like stories or categories.

return processRequest(
        myProp: 'My Custom Prop',

This function returns the combined base props and your additional props, with some extra logic in between to handle locale URLs.

The third argument is needed to properly handle locale redirects. It should contain the URL for the current page without locale prefixes (like /, /media, /category/${category.slug}. If omitted, the redirect logic will not be executing.

Helpers for common pages

To reduce boilerplate for common scenarios, the library provides a collection of prop fetching methods for each of the default Prezly Newsroom pages. All of them support custom props, so you can still have minimal boilerplate with all the same customization. If you have a more specific scenario, you can still use the code shown in the beginning of this section.

Here's an example of getServerSideProps function with no custom props:

import { getHomepageServerSideProps } from '@prezly/theme-kit-nextjs/server';

/* ...your page component */

export const getServerSideProps = getHomepageServerSideProps({});

And here's a more sophisticated scenario from Bea Theme, with extra options and custom props that depend on the Next request context and newsroom context props:

import { getHomepageServerSideProps, type HomePageProps } from '@prezly/theme-kit-nextjs';
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
import type { FunctionComponent } from 'react';

import { importMessages, isTrackingEnabled } from '@/utils';
import type { BasePageProps, StoryWithImage } from 'types';

const Stories = dynamic(() => import('@/modules/Stories'), { ssr: true });

type Props = BasePageProps & HomePageProps<StoryWithImage>;

const IndexPage: FunctionComponent<Props> = ({ stories, pagination }) => (
    <Stories stories={stories} pagination={pagination} />

export const getServerSideProps = getHomepageServerSideProps<BasePageProps, StoryWithImage>(
    async (context, { newsroomContextProps }) => ({
        isTrackingEnabled: isTrackingEnabled(context),
        translations: await importMessages(newsroomContextProps.localeCode),
    { extraStoryFields: ['thumbnail_image'] },

export default IndexPage;

You can find all of the helper methods in the page-props directory. You can also refer to Prezly Bea Theme for usage examples.

SEO Helper components

This library provides two components: PageSeo and StorySeo, both based on the next-seo library. They consume information from the NewsroomContext and provide all the necessary tags for your pages, with correct social preview, as well as JsonLD and OpenGraph data for your stories. You can also override the parameters for PageSeo component, these will be passed straight to NextSeo component. See the JSDoc comments on the exported components to get instructions on their usage.

Auto-generated Sitemap

This kit can also help you with building your Sitemap automatically. Here's what you need to get started:

  1. Create a sitemap page file: /pages/sitemap.xml.ts
  2. Use this code to display the default Sitemap built with your Newsroom stories:
import { getSitemapServerSideProps } from '@prezly/theme-kit-nextjs/server';
import type { NextPage } from 'next';

const Sitemap: NextPage = () => null;

export const getServerSideProps = getSitemapServerSideProps();

export default Sitemap;

You can also add additional paths to the sitemap by passing them as an argument to getSitemapServerSideProps, like so:

const additionalPaths = ['/my-custom-path'];

export const getServerSideProps = getSitemapServerSideProps({ additionalPaths });

If you need a more customized approach, you can build your own Sitemap by extending the SitemapBuilder class exported from the library, as well as referring to the code in the Sitemap component directory.

Experimental: Static Site Generation

For self-hosted applications, we now provide an option to use SSG in your project. However, this comes with some limitations:

  • Multi-langugage is not yet supported. Make sure to remove the i18n property from your next.config.js.
  • Sitemap will still use SSR to set the XML Content-Type headers on the response.
  • Story preview page needs to use SSR to ensure that content is always up to date.

The workflow is pretty much the same as with our default SSR approach. You will need to use the new getNewsroomStaticProps and processStaticRequest methods. Note that getNewsroomStaticProps returns its props in the staticProps property. The data is still the same as in the SSR methods, so apart from multi-language, this should be a drop-in replacement for your pages.

import { getNewsroomStaticProps, processStaticRequest } from '@prezly/theme-kit-nextjs/server';
import type { GetStaticProps } from 'next';

/* Your Page component code */

export const getStaticProps: GetServerSideProps<Props> = async (context) => {
    const { api, staticProps } = await getNewsroomStaticProps(context);

    /* Your logic to get additional props for this page  */

    return processStaticRequest(
            myProp: 'My Custom Prop',

We also have added all of the page helpers (except Story Preview) for SSG prop fetching. Here's an example for the Home page:

import { getHomepageStaticProps } from '@prezly/theme-kit-nextjs/server';

/* ...your page component */

export const getStaticProps = getHomepageStaticProps({});

For dynamic pages, like /story/[slug], we also provide getStaticPaths helper functions:

import { getStoryPageStaticPaths, getStoryPageStaticProps } from '@prezly/theme-kit-nextjs/server';

/* Your Page component code */

export const getStaticProps = getStoryPageStaticProps({});

export const getStaticPaths = getStoryPageStaticPaths;

These are available for /category/[slug], /story/[slug] and /media/album/[uuid] pages.

You can find all of the helper methods in the page-props directory.


Please see our

What's next

This kit is just a collection of building blocks, so it doesn't really force any page structure or guidelines on how to render the content. You can learn more on how this kit can be used by checking the code of Prezly's themes:

  • Prezly Starter Theme - this is a bare-bones application created to demonstrate how to display the fetched content and recommended page structure
  • Prezly Bea Theme - this is our new fully-fledged theme available to all Prezly customers. It has lots of stuff on top, both in styling and in data logic.

You can also learn more about Prezly API by checking out typings in Prezly SDK package, and referring to the Prezly API Docs

Brought to you by Prezly.