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Cluster Setup

The cluster setup installs Red Hat OpenShift AI and Coscheduler, configures Kueue, cluster roles, and priority classes.


Create default-priority, high-priority, and low-priority priority classes:

oc apply -f setup.RHOAI-v2.10/mlbatch-priorities.yaml


Install Coscheduler v0.28.9 as a secondary scheduler and configure packing:

helm install scheduler-plugins --namespace scheduler-plugins --create-namespace \
  scheduler-plugins/manifests/install/charts/as-a-second-scheduler/ \
  --set-json pluginConfig='[{"args":{"scoringStrategy":{"resources":[{"name":"","weight":1}],"requestedToCapacityRatio":{"shape":[{"utilization":0,"score":0},{"utilization":100,"score":10}]},"type":"RequestedToCapacityRatio"}},"name":"NodeResourcesFit"},{"args":{"permitWaitingTimeSeconds":300},"name":"Coscheduling"}]'

Patch Coscheduler pod priorities:

oc patch deployment -n scheduler-plugins --type=json --patch-file setup.RHOAI-v2.10/coscheduler-priority-patch.yaml scheduler-plugins-controller
oc patch deployment -n scheduler-plugins --type=json --patch-file setup.RHOAI-v2.10/coscheduler-priority-patch.yaml scheduler-plugins-scheduler

Red Hat OpenShift AI

Create the Red Hat OpenShift AI subscription:

oc apply -f setup.RHOAI-v2.10/mlbatch-subscription.yaml

Identify install plan:

oc get ip -n redhat-ods-operator
NAMESPACE             NAME            CSV                     APPROVAL   APPROVED
redhat-ods-operator   install-kmh8w   rhods-operator.2.10.0   Manual     false

Approve install plan replacing the generated plan name below with the actual value:

oc patch ip -n redhat-ods-operator --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"approved":true}}' install-kmh8w

Create DSC Initialization:

oc apply -f setup.RHOAI-v2.10/mlbatch-dsci.yaml

Create Data Science Cluster:

oc apply -f setup.RHOAI-v2.10/mlbatch-dsc.yaml

The provided DSCI and DSC are intended to install a minimal set of Red Hat OpenShift AI managed components: codeflare, kueue, ray, and trainingoperator. The remaining components such as dashboard can be optionally enabled.

The configuration of the managed components differs from the default Red Hat OpenShift AI configuration as follows:

  • Kubeflow Training Operator:
    • gang-scheduler-name is set to scheduler-plugins-scheduler,
  • Kueue:
    • manageJobsWithoutQueueName is enabled,
    • batch/job integration is disabled,
    • waitForPodsReady is disabled,
    • LendingLimit feature gate is enabled,
    • enableClusterQueueResources metrics is enabled,
  • Codeflare operator:
    • the AppWrapper controller is enabled and configured as follows:
      • userRBACAdmissionCheck is disabled,
      • schedulerName is set to scheduler-plugins-scheduler,
      • queueName is set to default-queue,
  • pod priorities, resource requests and limits have been adjusted.

To work around (a race condition in Red Hat OpenShift AI installation), do a rolling restart of the Kueue manager.

oc rollout restart deployment/kueue-controller-manager -n redhat-ods-applications

After doing the restart, verify that you see the following lines in the kueue-controller-manager's log:

{"level":"info","ts":"2024-06-25T20:17:25.689638786Z","logger":"controller-runtime.builder","caller":"builder/webhook.go:189","msg":"Registering a validating webhook","GVK":", Kind=PyTorchJob","path":"/validate-kubeflow-org-v1-pytorchjob"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2024-06-25T20:17:25.689698615Z","logger":"controller-runtime.webhook","caller":"webhook/server.go:183","msg":"Registering webhook","path":"/validate-kubeflow-org-v1-pytorchjob"}
{"level":"info","ts":"2024-06-25T20:17:25.689743757Z","logger":"setup","caller":"jobframework/setup.go:81","msg":"Set up controller and webhook for job framework","jobFrameworkName":""}

Kueue Configuration

Create Kueue's default flavor:

oc apply -f setup.RHOAI-v2.10/default-flavor.yaml

Cluster Role

Create mlbatch-edit role:

oc apply -f setup.RHOAI-v2.10/mlbatch-edit-role.yaml