For i3status, I'm using a python lib:
sudo apt install py3status
Easier to control the volumes using volume_status
For example: displaying the volume of the connected airpod via bluetooth:
order += "volume_status airpod"
volume_status airpod {
command = "pactl"
device = "8"
button_up = 4
button_down = 5
button_mute = 2
The backend we're using for it is pactl
... to get the list of sinks, use: pactl list
Use Blueman
sudo apt-get install blueman
sudo apt install alttab
add to ~/.config/.i3/config
exec_always alttab -fg "#d58681" -bg "#4a4a4a" -frame "#eb564d" -t 128x150 -i 127x64