diff --git a/test/spmd/test_train_spmd_linear_model.py b/test/spmd/test_train_spmd_linear_model.py
index 08637490a3cc..d795d352332c 100644
--- a/test/spmd/test_train_spmd_linear_model.py
+++ b/test/spmd/test_train_spmd_linear_model.py
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 from utils.train_spmd_linear_model import train_and_evaluate
+# CPU does not support optimization barriers, and hence we use this to disable
+# the gradient checkpointing A/B test run for it.
@@ -48,8 +50,40 @@ def test_basic(self):
                 baseline_losses, checkpointing_losses))
+class TestSPMDLinearModelGradientAccumulation(
+    test_xla_sharding_base.XlaShardingTest):
+  def test_gradient_accumulation_matches(self):
+    """Verify that gradient accumulation produces the same results and losses
+       with and without the XLA `While` op.
+    """
+        "--train_dataset_len", "65536", "--gradient_accumulation_steps", "8"
+    ]
+    print('Training loop with traditional gradient accumulation')
+    with extended_argv(COMMON_GRAD_ACC_ARGS):
+      baseline_grad_acc_losses, baseline_grad_acc_result = train_and_evaluate()
+    print('Training loop with XLA\'s `While` gradient accumulation')
+    with extended_argv(COMMON_GRAD_ACC_ARGS +
+                       ["--use_gradient_accumulation_loop"]):
+      loop_grad_acc_losses, loop_grad_acc_result = train_and_evaluate()
+    # Verify that the model losses are not zero, and that the runs match.
+    assert all(loss != 0 for loss in baseline_grad_acc_losses)
+    assert all(
+        torch.allclose(baseline_loss, checkpointing_loss)
+        for baseline_loss, checkpointing_loss in zip(baseline_grad_acc_losses,
+                                                     loop_grad_acc_losses))
+    # Verify that the model produces non-zero outputs, and that the runs match.
+    assert not torch.any(baseline_grad_acc_result == 0)
+    assert torch.allclose(baseline_grad_acc_result, loop_grad_acc_result)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+  # Relevant parser for the gradient checkpointing basic coverage.
   parser.add_argument('--skip-gradient-checkpointing', action='store_true')
   parsed_args, remaining_argv = parser.parse_known_args()
   SKIP_GRADIENT_CHECKPOINTING = parsed_args.skip_gradient_checkpointing
diff --git a/torch_xla/experimental/gradient_accumulation.py b/torch_xla/experimental/gradient_accumulation.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..379337677c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torch_xla/experimental/gradient_accumulation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+import torch
+import torch_xla
+import torch_xla.core.xla_builder as xb
+from typing import Any, Callable, Sequence, Tuple, Optional, List, Dict
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+class GradientAccumulationContext:
+  """Context for the gradient accumulation instructions.
+  Attributes:
+    * num_gradient_steps: Number of steps to accumulate gradients over
+    * num_iterable_tensors: Number of input tensors to iterate over
+    * num_carried_tensors: Number of tensors carried between iterations
+    * num_model_params: Number of model parameters
+    * num_internal_tensors: Number of internal tensors used (default: 2)
+  Note: `num_internal_tensors` should only be changed if we create new internal
+  tensors.
+  """
+  num_gradient_steps: int
+  num_iterable_tensors: int
+  num_carried_tensors: int
+  num_model_params: int
+  num_internal_tensors: int = 2
+def gradient_accumulation(
+    train_step: Callable[..., Any],
+    iterable_tensors: Sequence[torch.Tensor],
+    model: torch.nn.Module,
+    carried_tensors: Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]] = None
+) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]:
+  """Accumulates gradients over multiple training steps using XLA's `While`
+     operator to iterate over the leading dimension of the iterable tensors.
+     The backward computation of the model is implicitly executed following the
+     train_step operations.
+  Notes:
+    The model tracing will happen entirely within the loop. Hence, it is
+    assumed that `train_step` is purposefully encapsulated inside of the
+    loop. Hence, it is not recommended to have any operation involving the
+    model parameters outside of `train_step`.
+  Args:
+    train_step: Training function that takes iterable tensors and carried
+          tensors, and returns either a loss tensor or a tuple of (loss,
+          *carried_outputs). The iterable tensor inputs to this function should
+          disregard the leading dimension.
+    iterable_tensors: Input tensors to iterate over. All tensors must have the
+          same first dimension size which determines number of iterations. The
+          underlying loop in the gradient accumulation will iterate through the
+          leading dimension of these tensors.
+    model: PyTorch model whose parameters will be updated. Note that the entire
+            model computation will be traced and generated from within the loop.
+    carried_tensors: Optional tensors passed and updated between iterations.
+  Returns:
+    (accumulated_loss, carried_tensor0, carried_tensor1, ...): A tuple including
+    the `accumulated_loss` and the same unpacked `carried_tensors` that were
+    provided as inputs. In addition, the model parameter gradients, if
+    applicable, contain the accumulated gradients.
+  Example:
+    >>> # Note: This is a partial example, since it is dependent on the
+    >>> # training model. Please refer to existing tests.
+    >>> 
+    >>> from torch_xla.experimental.gradient_accumulation import (
+    >>>    gradient_accumulation
+    >>> )
+    >>> 
+    >>> def train_step(input, label, other_tensor):
+    >>>   output = model(input_id)
+    >>>   loss = loss_fn(output, label)
+    >>>   updated_other_tensor += 10
+    >>>   return loss, updated_other_tensor
+    >>> 
+    >>> some_tensor = torch.tensor(10).to(device)
+    >>> for (data, target) in loader:
+    >>>   # Assuming data's and target's first iterable dimension is 5.
+    >>>   # >> data.shape = [5, 128, 16834]
+    >>>   # >> label.shape = [5, 128]
+    >>>   running_loss, some_tensor = gradient_accumulation(
+    >>>       train_step,
+    >>>       (data, target),
+    >>>       model,
+    >>>       (some_tensor,)
+    >>>   )
+    >>>   print(some_tensor)  # Should be 60
+    >>>   print(running_loss)  # Should be the accumulated loss across all 5
+    >>>                        # iteration steps
+    >>>   optimizer.step()  # Should update all weights with the accumulated
+    >>>                     # parameter weights
+  """
+  # Validate that the arguments minimally suffice our requirements
+  if not iterable_tensors:
+    raise ValueError("iterable_tensors cannot be empty")
+  accumulation_steps = iterable_tensors[0].size(0)
+  for i, tensor in enumerate(iterable_tensors):
+    if not isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor):
+      raise ValueError(f"Element {i} of iterable_tensors is not a tensor")
+    if tensor.numel() == 0:
+      raise ValueError(f"Element {i} of iterable_tensors is empty")
+    if tensor.size(0) != accumulation_steps:
+      raise ValueError(
+          f"Element {i} of iterable_tensors has inconsistent first dimension")
+  carried_tensors = carried_tensors or tuple()
+  return _gradient_accumulation(accumulation_steps, train_step,
+                                iterable_tensors, model, carried_tensors)
+class XlaBuildHelper:
+  """Helper class for tracking the parameters for the XLA while computations."""
+  def __init__(self, name: str):
+    self._builder = xb.create_builder(name)
+    self._params: List[xb.Op] = []
+    self._param_tensors: List[torch.Tensor] = []
+  def add_param(self, val: torch.Tensor, idx: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
+    if idx is None:
+      idx = len(self._params)
+    param = xb.mkparam(self._builder, idx, xb.tensor_shape(val))
+    self._params.append(param)
+    self._param_tensors.append(val)
+    return idx
+  @property
+  def params(self) -> Tuple[xb.Op, ...]:
+    return tuple(self._params)
+  @property
+  def param_tensors(self) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]:
+    return tuple(self._param_tensors)
+  @property
+  def num_params(self) -> int:
+    return len(self._params)
+def _gradient_accumulation_impl(context, body_fn, iterable_tensors, params,
+                                grads, carried_tensors):
+  builder = XlaBuildHelper('grad_acc')
+  device = torch_xla.device()
+  def _prepare_fake_tensors(
+      iterable_tensors: Sequence[torch.Tensor],
+      carried_tensors: Sequence[torch.Tensor]
+  ) -> Tuple[List[torch.Tensor], List[torch.Tensor]]:
+    fake_iterable_tensors = []
+    for iter_tensor in iterable_tensors:
+      original_size = iter_tensor.size()
+      fake_iterable_tensors.append(
+          torch.empty(original_size[1:],
+                      dtype=iter_tensor.dtype).to(iter_tensor.device))
+    fake_carried_tensors = []
+    for carried_input in carried_tensors:
+      fake_carried_tensors.append(
+          torch.empty(carried_input.size(), dtype=carried_input.dtype).to(
+              carried_input.device).requires_grad_(carried_input.requires_grad))
+    return fake_iterable_tensors, fake_carried_tensors
+  # TODO - Fake the model once we are able to create placeholder tensors.
+  fake_iterable_tensors, fake_carried_tensors = _prepare_fake_tensors(
+      iterable_tensors, carried_tensors)
+  init_iterator = torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.int32, device=device)
+  init_loss = torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
+  body_fn_inputs = (init_iterator, init_loss, *fake_iterable_tensors,
+                    *fake_carried_tensors, *params, *grads)
+  body_result = body_fn(init_iterator, init_loss, tuple(fake_iterable_tensors),
+                        tuple(fake_carried_tensors), tuple(params),
+                        tuple(grads))
+  (
+      graph_input_tensor_ids,
+      graph_input_xla_values,
+  ) = torch_xla._XLAC._get_tensors_xla_device_data_node(
+      list(body_result) + list(body_fn_inputs))
+  body_fn_input_tensor_ids = [
+      torch_xla._XLAC._xla_get_tensor_id(i) for i in body_fn_inputs
+  ]
+  uncaptured_input_tensor_ids = tuple(
+      v for i, v in zip(graph_input_tensor_ids, graph_input_xla_values)
+      if i not in body_fn_input_tensor_ids)
+  body_ctx = torch_xla._XLAC.lowering.LoweringContext()
+  body_ctx.set_name_string("bodyctx")
+  body_ctx.build(body_result + uncaptured_input_tensor_ids)
+  body_hlo = body_ctx.hlo()
+  body_computation = xb.computation_from_module_proto("bodycomputation",
+                                                      body_hlo)
+  builder.add_param(init_iterator)
+  builder.add_param(init_loss)
+  def _build_parameter_mapping(
+      builder: XlaBuildHelper,
+      context: GradientAccumulationContext,
+      body_fn_inputs: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...],
+      uncaptured_input_tensor_ids: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...],
+      iterable_tensors: Sequence[torch.Tensor],
+      fake_iterable_tensors: Sequence[torch.Tensor],
+      carried_tensors: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...],
+      fake_carried_tensors: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...],
+      params: List[torch.Tensor],
+      grads: List[torch.Tensor],
+  ) -> Dict[int, int]:
+    param_mapping = {}
+    def add_to_mapping(val: torch.Tensor,
+                       fake_val: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None):
+      idx = builder.add_param(val)
+      param_id = body_ctx.tensor_parameter_id(
+          fake_val if fake_val is not None else val)
+      if param_id != -1:
+        param_mapping[param_id] = idx
+    # Process iterable tensors and carried inputs
+    for val, fake_val in zip(iterable_tensors, fake_iterable_tensors):
+      add_to_mapping(val, fake_val)
+    for val, fake_val in zip(carried_tensors, fake_carried_tensors):
+      add_to_mapping(val, fake_val)
+    # Process params, grads, and uncaptured input tensor ids
+    for tensor_list in (params, grads, uncaptured_input_tensor_ids):
+      for val in tensor_list:
+        add_to_mapping(val)
+    # Handle any additional hoisted variables
+    hoisted_vars = body_ctx.device_parameter_id_tensor_mapping()
+    for v in body_fn_inputs + uncaptured_input_tensor_ids:
+      param_id = body_ctx.tensor_parameter_id(v)
+      hoisted_vars.pop(param_id, None)
+    # TODO - Derived from `experimental/scan.py`. Unify the RNG and hoisted
+    # paths.
+    seed_info_id = torch_xla._XLAC._get_seed_info_id()
+    seed_parameter_id = None
+    if seed_info_id in graph_input_tensor_ids:
+      seed_idx = graph_input_tensor_ids.index(seed_info_id)
+      seed_parameter_id = body_ctx.tensor_parameter_id(
+          graph_input_xla_values[seed_idx])
+      assert seed_parameter_id != -1, "`fn` uses random seed, but random seed is not \
+        a parameter to the traced HLO graph"
+      # Replace the single seed value with a tensor of seeds, one per iteration.
+      seed_tensor = hoisted_vars[seed_parameter_id]
+      assert seed_tensor.dtype == torch.int64
+      hoisted_vars[seed_parameter_id] = torch.randint(
+          0,
+          2**62, (context.num_gradient_steps,),
+          dtype=torch.int64,
+          device=device)
+    for param_id, tensor in hoisted_vars.items():
+      idx = builder.add_param(tensor)
+      param_mapping[param_id] = idx
+    return param_mapping, seed_parameter_id
+  param_mapping, seed_parameter_id = _build_parameter_mapping(
+      builder, context, body_fn_inputs, uncaptured_input_tensor_ids,
+      iterable_tensors, fake_iterable_tensors, carried_tensors,
+      fake_carried_tensors, params, grads)
+  def _body_fn_wrapper(curr_iter: xb.Op, curr_loss: xb.Op,
+                       *while_params: xb.Op):
+    def dynamic_slice(xs: xb.Op, idx: xb.Op) -> xb.Op:
+      indices = [idx] + [idx.zeros_like() for _ in range(xs.shape().rank - 1)]
+      slice_shape = list(xs.shape().sizes)
+      slice_shape[0] = 1
+      sliced = xs.dynamic_slice(indices, slice_shape)
+      return sliced.reshape(list(xs.shape().sizes)[1:])
+    # TODO - Derived from `experimental/scan.py`. Unify the RNG path.
+    def replace_rng_seed(curr_iter: xb.Op, *while_params: xb.Op):
+      """Slices the pre-generated seed tensor for the current iteration."""
+      if seed_parameter_id is None:
+        return while_params
+      idx = param_mapping[seed_parameter_id]
+      replaced = list(while_params)
+      replaced[idx] = dynamic_slice(replaced[idx], curr_iter)
+      return replaced
+    def call_fn_computation(*while_params: xb.Op) -> xb.Op:
+      fn_inputs = [
+          while_params[param_mapping[i]] for i in range(len(param_mapping))
+      ]
+      return xb.Op.call(body_computation, fn_inputs)
+    iterable_tensors = while_params[:context.num_iterable_tensors]
+    idx = curr_iter
+    sliced_iterables = [
+        dynamic_slice(iter_tensor, idx) for iter_tensor in iterable_tensors
+    ]
+    # Call the computation with current values
+    result = call_fn_computation(
+        idx, curr_loss,
+        *replace_rng_seed(idx, *sliced_iterables,
+                          *while_params[context.num_iterable_tensors:]))
+    # Extract the carried tensors and accumulated gradients.
+    carried_tensors_and_gradients = [
+        result.get_tuple_element(i) for i in range(
+            context.num_internal_tensors + context.num_iterable_tensors,
+            result.shape().tuple_size())
+    ]
+    one = xb.Op.scalar(idx.builder(), 1, dtype=xb.Type.S32)
+    updated_loss = curr_loss + result.get_tuple_element(1)
+    return (curr_iter + one, updated_loss, *iterable_tensors,
+            *carried_tensors_and_gradients)
+  def _cond_fn(curr_iter: xb.Op, *rest):
+    return curr_iter < xb.Op.scalar(
+        curr_iter.builder(), context.num_gradient_steps, dtype=xb.Type.S32)
+  def _compute_output_indices(
+      context: GradientAccumulationContext) -> List[int]:
+    # Start with loss index
+    indices = [1]
+    # Add indices for carried tensors
+    carried_start = context.num_internal_tensors + context.num_iterable_tensors
+    carried_end = carried_start + context.num_carried_tensors
+    indices.extend(range(carried_start, carried_end))
+    # Add indices for accumulated gradients
+    grad_start = carried_end + context.num_model_params
+    grad_end = grad_start + context.num_model_params
+    indices.extend(range(grad_start, grad_end))
+    return indices
+  w = xb.Op.mkwhile(builder.params, _cond_fn, _body_fn_wrapper)
+  outputs = [w.get_tuple_element(i) for i in _compute_output_indices(context)]
+  op = xb.Op.tuple(outputs)
+  computation = op.build('grad_acc_loop_torch_func')
+  result = torch_xla._XLAC._xla_user_computation('xla::_op_grad_acc_loop',
+                                                 builder.param_tensors,
+                                                 computation)
+  return result
+def _gradient_accumulation(accumulation_steps, train_step, iterable_tensors,
+                           model, carried_tensors):
+  model_parameters = list(model.parameters())
+  context = GradientAccumulationContext(accumulation_steps,
+                                        len(iterable_tensors),
+                                        len(carried_tensors),
+                                        len(model_parameters))
+  def body_fn(iteri: torch.Tensor, _: torch.Tensor,
+              iterable_tensors: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...],
+              carried_tensors: Tuple[torch.Tensor,
+                                     ...], params: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...],
+              grads: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]:
+    result = train_step(*iterable_tensors, *carried_tensors)
+    if not context.num_carried_tensors:
+      loss = result
+    else:
+      loss, *carried_tensors = result
+    loss /= context.num_gradient_steps
+    gradients = torch.autograd.grad(loss, model_parameters)
+    acc_grads = [prev_grad + grad for prev_grad, grad in zip(grads, gradients)]
+    return (iteri, loss, *iterable_tensors, *carried_tensors, *params,
+            *acc_grads)
+  init_grads = []
+  # Initialize the gradients to zero.
+  for param in model_parameters:
+    if not param.requires_grad:
+      continue
+    if param.grad:
+      grad = param.grad
+    else:
+      grad = torch.zeros(param.size()).to(param.device).requires_grad_(True)
+      param_sharding = torch_xla._XLAC._get_xla_op_sharding(param)
+      if param_sharding:
+        # Match the gradient sharding to the parameter's.
+        torch_xla._XLAC._xla_mark_sharding(grad, param_sharding)
+    init_grads.append(grad)
+  # Apply gradients to parameters
+  result = _gradient_accumulation_impl(context, body_fn, iterable_tensors,
+                                       model_parameters, init_grads,
+                                       carried_tensors)
+  for param, grad in zip(model_parameters,
+                         result[1 + context.num_carried_tensors:]):
+    if param.requires_grad:
+      param.grad = grad
+  return (result[0], *result[1:context.num_carried_tensors + 1])