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Live Earth & Weather Forecast 实时地球与天气预报

This is a wallpaper used in Wallpaper Engine.

这是一个 Wallpaper Engine 的壁纸.

This project use Himawari-8's real time full disk image and meteoblue's weather forecast widget. The copyright of these resources belong to their original author.

该项目中使用了 向日葵-8 卫星的实时全圆盘图像和 meteoblue 的天气预报组件. 这些资源的版权归其原作者所有.

Demo 预览


How to use 如何使用

  1. Subscribe in Steam Workshop, or clone this repo, or download from releases.
  2. Load it in Wallpaper Engine.
  3. Setting this wallpaper:
    • Earth Size The size of the live earth image, set it according to your monitor resolution.
    • Earth Scale The zoom scale ratio of the earth image.
    • Earth Update Interval The refresh interval of the earth image, the unit is minutes, the default value is 20 min.
    • City The city of weather forecast widget, you can enter the city name or use the latitude and longitude directly. Sometimes the wrong city with the same name may be displayed. In this case, using the latitude and longitude can avoid the problem.
    • Forecast Update Interval Similar to Earth Update Interval, sets the refresh interval of the weather forecast, the default value is 120 min.

Caution: It may be slow to connect to the Himawari-8's server in China, so I have set up a CDN server and set it to default. But no guarantees of availability provided, if it downs, switch back to the original node wrote in code comments. You can also set up a CDN by yourself.

  1. Steam 创意工坊 订阅, 或者克隆这个库, 或者从 releases 下载.
  2. 把它加载到 Wallpaper Engine.
  3. 设置桌面:
    • Earth Size 实时地球图像的尺寸, 根据显示器的分辨率情况设置.
    • Earth Scale 地球图像的缩放比例.
    • Earth Update Interval 实时地球图像的刷新周期, 单位是分钟, 默认值为 20 分钟.
    • City 天气预报的城市, 可以输入城市的名称或者直接输入经纬度. 有的时候可能会显示为错误的同名城市. 这种情况下, 使用经纬度可以规避问题.
    • Forecast Update IntervalEarth Update Interval 类似, 设置天气预报的刷新间隔, 默认值为 120 分钟.

注意: 在中国连接向日葵-8的服务器可能很慢, 所以我搭建了一个 CDN 加速服务, 并将其默认启用. 但我的 CDN 不保证可用性, 所以如果它断联了, 可以切换回原始节点 (已写在注释中), 也可以自己搭建一个 CDN 服务.