NSDb provides a set of APIs written both in Scala and Java to allow third-party systems integration. An example of usage of these APIs is the implementation of the Flink Sink operator.
Despite actual APIs implementation is limited to Java and Scala languages, the same functionalities can be easily implemented in others languages based on the agnostic protocol integration APIs are designed on top of. In fact, they are based on gRPC standard that works across multiple languages and platforms.
The main difference between Java and Scala APIs is the way asynchronous calls are handled. In Java, CompletableFuture
is used, while async results in Scala are wrapped into Scala native Future
The library artifact is publicly available in a dedicated maven repository, available at https://tools.radicalbit.io/artifactory/public-release/io/radicalbit/nsdb/.
####Maven dependencies:
<name>NSDb Repo</name>
####SBT dependencies:
resolvers += "NSDb Public Releases" at "https://tools.radicalbit.io/artifactory/public-release/"
libraryDependencies += "io.radicalbit.nsdb" %% "nsdb-scala-api" % "1.0.0"
libraryDependencies += "io.radicalbit.nsdb" % "nsdb-java-api" % "1.0.0"
NSDb implements utility classes to perform writes and to execute queries using Java language.
In both cases, communication to NSDb cluster is handled using a gRPC Client instantiated in io.radicalbit.nsdb.api.java.NSDB
connection class.
Before writing into a metric, NSDb provides an api that makes possible to set some metric parameter in order to optimize write or read performance. The Init api allows the user to set the following custom parameters for a metric
- shard interval: the time interval that determines the shard duration.
- retention: the time interval in which data are kept into the indices.
If this api is not called, the default shard interval and an infinite retention will be used for the metric. The shard interval and the retention are expressed using the Java Duration convention (e.g. 23 seconds, 23 s, 24h etc). This operation is allowed only before the first bit is written. Otherwise an error message will be returned
public class NSDBInitMetric {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
NSDB nsdb = NSDB.connect("", 7817).get();
NSDB.BitInfo metricInfo = nsdb.db("root")
InitMetricResult result = nsdb.initMetric(metricInfo).get();
System.out.println("IsSuccessful = " + result.isCompletedSuccessfully());
System.out.println("errors = " + result.getErrorMsg());
IsSuccessful = true
errors = ""
class exposes a write
method performing io.radicalbit.nsdb.api.java.NSDB.Bit
insert into the specified metric.
The record to be inserted must of class Bit
. Bit's parameters are defined using build pattern.
Insert operation returns io.radicalbit.nsdb.api.java.InsertResult
wrapped into a java CompletableFuture
. InsertResult
contains a Boolean
describing request's success or failure and in case of failure the list of errors.
public class NSDBWrite {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
NSDB nsdb = NSDB.connect("", 7817).get();
NSDB.Bit record = nsdb.db("root")
.value(new java.math.BigDecimal("13"))
.dimension("city", "Mouseton")
.dimension("gender", "M")
.dimension("double", 12.5)
.dimension("bigDecimalLong", new java.math.BigDecimal("12"))
.dimension("bigDecimalDouble", new java.math.BigDecimal("12.5"));
InsertResult result = nsdb.write(record).get();
System.out.println("IsSuccessful = " + result.isCompletedSuccessfully());
System.out.println("errors = " + result.getErrors());
IsSuccessful = true
errors = ""
As mentioned above Read API , as Write API, makes use of the same component NSDB
but calling the executeStatement
method. NSDB.executeStatement
accepts a NSDB.SQLStatement
parameter describing:
- database to run the select statements on
- the underlying namespace
- the query string statement
Similarly to Write API query result is wrapped into a java CompletableFuture
containg a io.radicalbit.nsdb.api.java.QueryResult
. QueryResults
defines a parameter records
in which query results are collected as a List<Bit>
In case of failure record
property contains an empty list and isCompletedSuccessfully
method return false. Failure reason can be viewed using getReason()
public class NSDBRead {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
NSDB nsdb = NSDB.connect("", 7817).get();
NSDB.SQLStatement statement = nsdb.db("root").namespace("registry").query("select * from people limit 1");
QueryResult result = nsdb.executeStatement(statement).get();
if (result.isCompletedSuccessfully()) {
System.out.println("db : " + result.getDb());
System.out.println("namespace : " + result.getNamespace());
System.out.println("metric : " + result.getMetric());
System.out.println("bits : " + result.getRecords());
} else {
System.out.println("reason : " + result.getReason());
db : root
namespace : registry
metric : people
bits : [
timestamp: 1522328164110
longValue: 13
dimensions {
key: "city"
value {
stringValue: "Mouseton"
dimensions {
key: "bigDecimalLong"
value {
longValue: 12
dimensions {
key: "double"
value {
decimalValue: 12.5
dimensions {
key: "bigDecimalDouble"
value {
decimalValue: 12.5
dimensions {
key: "gender"
value {
stringValue: "M"
The same capabilities exposed by NSDb's Java API are implemented in Scala API too.
The io.radicalbit.nsdb.api.scala.NSDB
class provides a method to create a connection to an instance of NSDb. Connection to gRPC NSDb's endpoint is instanciated ayncronously using connect
methods that require host
and port
As well as for the Java apis, it is possible to set the shard interval for a metric, before the first bit is written.
object NSDBInitRead extends App {
val nsdb = Await.result(NSDB.connect(host = "", port = 7817)(ExecutionContext.global), 10.seconds)
val init = nsdb
val readRes: Future[InitMetricResponse] = nsdb.init(init)
println(Await.result(readRes, 10.seconds))
completedSuccessfully: true
errors: ""
Scala Write API provides NSDB.write
method used to define an io.radicalbit.nsdb.api.scala.Bit
to be inserted leveraging a builder pattern.
Asynchronous response is wrapped into a Scala Future
Response of class io.radicalbit.nsdb.rpc.response.RPCInsertResult
contains a feedback on request result in isCompletedSuccessfully
field and in case of failure a string representing occurred errors.
object NSDBMainWrite extends App {
val nsdb = Await.result(NSDB.connect(host = "", port = 7817)(ExecutionContext.global), 10.seconds)
val series = nsdb
.value(new java.math.BigDecimal("13"))
.dimension("city", "Mouseton")
.dimension("double", 12.5)
val res: Future[RPCInsertResult] = nsdb.write(series)
println(Await.result(res, 10.seconds))
completedSuccessfully: true
errors: ""
Read API allows to run query statements on NSDb, returning an io.radicalbit.nsdb.rpc.responseSQL.SQLStatementResponse
containing selected rows.
NOTE: SQLStatementResponse is a case class generated using protobuf schema definition.
object NSDBMainRead extends App {
val nsdb = Await.result(NSDB.connect(host = "", port = 7817)(ExecutionContext.global), 10.seconds)
val statement = nsdb
.query("select * from people limit 1")
val res: Future[SQLStatementResponse] = nsdb.execute(statement)
println(Await.result(res, 10.seconds))
db: "root"
namespace: "registry"
metric: "people"
completedSuccessfully: true
reason: ""
message: ""
records {
timestamp: 1522329103520
longValue: 13
dimensions {
key: "city"
value {
stringValue: "Mouseton"
dimensions {
key: "bigDecimalLong"
value {
longValue: 12
dimensions {
key: "Someimportant"
value {
longValue: 2
dimensions {
key: "OptionBigDecimal"
value {
decimalValue: 15.5
dimensions {
key: "bigDecimalDouble"
value {
decimalValue: 12.5
dimensions {
key: "gender"
value {
stringValue: "M"