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derickbailey edited this page Apr 14, 2011 · 25 revisions

Basic Usage

Map options to a class. Simply create a class with the appropriate annotations and have options automatically map to functions and parameters.


class App < Thor                                                 # [1]
  map "-L" => :list                                              # [2]
  desc "install APP_NAME", "install one of the available apps"   # [3]
  method_options :force => :boolean, :alias => :string           # [4]
  def install(name)
    user_alias = options[:alias]
    if options.force?
      # do something
    # other code
  desc "list [SEARCH]", "list all of the available apps, limited by SEARCH"
  def list(search="")
    # list everything

Thor automatically maps commands as such:

thor app:install myname --force

That gets converted to:"myname")
# with {'force' => true} as options hash
  1. Inherit from Thor to turn a class into an option mapper.
  2. Map additional non-valid identifiers to specific methods. In this case, convert -L to :list
  3. Describe the method immediately below. The first parameter is the usage information, and the second parameter is the description.
  4. Provide any additional options that will be available the instance method options.

Further Reading

Thor offers many scripting possibilities beyond these examples. Be sure to read through the documentation and specs to get a better understanding of the options available.

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