Extracts the Post ID from a Permalink URL string, then uses that to retrieve the corresponding post from the API.
In the NuGet Package Manager console:
Install-Package Reddit
using Reddit;
using Reddit.Controllers;
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class GetPost
private RedditClient Reddit { get; set; }
public GetPost(string appId, string refreshToken)
Reddit = new RedditClient(appId, refreshToken);
public Post FromPermalink(string permalink)
// Get the ID from the permalink, then preface it with "t3_" to convert it to a Reddit fullname. --Kris
Match match = Regex.Match(permalink, @"\/comments\/([a-z0-9]+)\/");
string postFullname = "t3_" + (match != null && match.Groups != null && match.Groups.Count >= 2
? match.Groups[1].Value
: "");
if (postFullname.Equals("t3_"))
throw new Exception("Unable to extract ID from permalink.");
// Retrieve the post and return the result. --Kris
return Reddit.Post(Reddit.Models, postFullname).About();