Use knife to edit the environment for the nova cluster. Ensure that in override_attributes, there is the following section:
"osops": { "do_package_upgrades": true }
In 4.1.3 and 4.2, rabbitmq now binds to the management network. If you are colocating a chef server on the controller, you need to ensure that chef server is not using as its rabbitmq server address and is instead using the appropriate ip address from the management network.
Something like the following in chef-server.rb should work: rabbitmq["node_ip_address"] = "#{node['ipaddress']}" rabbitmq["vip"] = "#{node['ipaddress']}
node['ipaddress'] may not be the right ip, though!
At present, qemu-kvm does not update cleanly. You can avoid any issues with this by manually upgrading qemu-kvm prior to starting the chef-client run. If you forget to do this, fear not. The run will fail, at which point you can manually upgrade qemu-kvm and then run chef-client again with no issues. Currently this takes a couple of runs. Make sure you've got the havana repos set up. I've filed a bug:
apt-get install -y qemu-kvm qemu-utils qemu-system-common qemu-system-x86
The dependencies on the nova-common package in ubuntu are incorrect, resulting in the required version of python-cmd2 not being installed. This means you get stack traces on nova-manage service list, for example. This can be resolved by apt-get install python-cmd2. We've filed a package bug here:
In 4.1.3 and 4.2, rabbitmq now binds to the management network. If you are colocating a chef server on the controller, you need to ensure that chef server is not using as its rabbitmq server address and is instead using the appropriate ip address from the management network.
Something like the following in chef-server.rb should work: rabbitmq["node_ip_address"] = "#{node['ipaddress']}" rabbitmq["vip"] = "#{node['ipaddress']}
node['ipaddress'] may not be the right ip, though!